Because you obviously did not hear the logical and sensible explanations that happened in my head when I was seven. Subsequently confirmed never by the show itself. Funny what sticks in your head, even all these years later. Pylons: now that I did hear about later. However scientifically suspect it may be today, good for…
What? Half of it is wasted space just to create volume? How corbomite of the Romulans. Which made sense even to us back during Old Trek. The matter was in one, the anti-matter was in the other, and there was like a dilithium spigot at the base of each of the pylons because that's a sizable amount of explosive material. The…
Between us, this has bothered me from first D'Deridex decloaked on my television. How is that remotely workable? I thought the big empty space in the middle was where they kept the black hole that powered the ship, but that is apparently kept in a cabinet next to the microwave. How do you get around in it? If your staff…
If we're going to act like a married couple, I figured go with it. Leave him on the ship during away missions, communicator open. "Yes, dear. No, I won't forg... Okay, gotta go, Tholians. Yes. Can we--- Tholians! I will. Kisses!" After a makeover. Those scarves. I ask you.