Give it up Woody you know those guys are lost. Didnt we have enough of them to deal with trying hard to explain. Schnittlauch is calling ;) I think you know this: "
guys, stop this blah about the gear, its bull****. You DO NOT need Elite, RP gear etc. to get 10k. Once you got your level 50, you have enough basic gear and equip plus enough EC to buy the rest you need, to build a ship good enough WITHOUT any RP, fleet or orther Elite gear. And with about 10k you are ready to play…
Advanced / Elite Difficulty level, well what does that mean? Doesn't it mean, a player has to be "advanced" or "Elite" to join it? What is the level a player has to reach to call him / her advanced or Elite? To put it in hard facts, a team of 5 players doing 3 - 4k DPS each will fail advanced Missions 95% of the time,…
The "problem" with the end content is, there are a few, who would like it more challenging (i am one of them), but flying with Pugs, you experience, that its hard to handle the way it is now, for most of the players. It would be nice to add something that is more challening, but /irony on its not fair and not possible,…