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warddddy Arc User



  • I know, but I've always thought that abandoning a RA would incur the same consequences as leaving a STF, not that I've actually experienced them (having never left an RA). The fact that it seems to be the case now is not really a problem, IMO.
  • It's a temporary ban - I've had a few when I've been booted from the map due to some bug or network hitch. I've even swallowed a few intentionally, when the game was not completable, ie, only 1 other player, ICE, and no way to kill the nanite ships fast enough. I've only got time to play a few hours a day, so I'm not going…
  • Dare I ask compensation for all the Exchange Sale expired emails with items I was unable to retrieve? Call it a few million ECs and an clean inbox and I'll be satisfied. ;)
  • I support the idea for wide angle torps and heavy beams for the larger ships. It's consistent with canon and a much needed balance tweak. Alternatively, you could give the larger ships more power. With all that room and resources, I would imagine such a ship could put far more power into shields, weapons whilst maintaining…
  • I'm not sure about this idea. Making the torps consumable is more realistic (as far as this sci-fi goes), but how many would a ship carry? You'd have to set an low arbitrary limit in order to make this game mechanism felt. How will this limit change with different classes of ships? Will cruisers have more or less than…
  • Short: Allow cruisers to equip more than 1 wide-angle torp. But only cruisers. Makes sense - of all the ships, which is the one most suited for stand-off broadside bombardment? Put medical treatment for self and BOFFs as a DOFF mission for a doctor. 1 hour to heal, requires variable number of regenerators depending on…
  • I've just left this particular mission. On NORMAL difficulty. I couldn't get within range before I spontaneously exploded. Full shields, 12KM from the nearest enemy, BOOM. I was the 3rd person to quit. And this was after I queued for Khitomer, only to warp into a pre-existing game that immediately turned into a failure,…
    in The HIVE Comment by warddddy May 2013
  • It is a little unrealistic that every AI fights to the death. We need more surrendering, retreat via warp, etc
  • I like this idea - a simple solution which the devs could implement in 10 mins would be to simply slow the fading of the damage textures by 100x. So even though you're 100%, the scorch marks are there for the remainder of the mission. I'd like to see more variety in ship damage/death/explosions. Escape pods, crashing into…