I cannot purchase and ZEN at all... PayPal or CC ... I keep getting the error that I need to have at least one Character... Okay I've got 20... But it's not even getting to that point... It just stops at step ONE.
How about giving us a poll on what we'd like you to fix in the game? :D I'm still waiting for cut scenes of my toon walking down the ramp to a new ship I just purchased, or a shot of my new ship coming out of a repair dock at Utopia. Or one just as good... Don't release a new ship without an Interior for it... Look how…
What we REALLY, REALLY need are sliders with Numbers values that we can see!!! You have them for the Colors (A3, b2, C12, etc...). Have a number value at the end of each slider - This would allow us to pinpoint recreate our toons when making new costumes or for other reasons. Maybe we want to create a crew of Clones...…
I just recently saw the changes in ESD and was amazed... I didn't even see the flaws others have pointed out I was just taken back. But with all it's glory... I'd still like to see either a CUT SCENE for Docking... with Tractor beams grabbing our ships as we approach the outer door and then pulling us in. If the mechanics…
In the past we would do the following: How do I access one of the Public Test Servers and transfer a character to it? 1.Navigate to http://sto.perfectworld.com/community/tribble-test and log in with your Account Name/Password 2.Read through the information on the page and click the 'Sign up!' button at the bottom 3.Select…
Is there anyway that we could get a cut scene like this for the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW5JC12v6vc Make it an optional thing for people coming to Space Dock... they can take the quick way in by just clicking the "Dock" option, or you can approach the docking bay doors... Docking control will take you in on…