As an admittedly embittered PvP vet who quit the game months ago yet still forum lurks, one who long ago learned to normally scroll past the posts from the RP'ing, PVE loving Feddies dropping in to vent their rage in the PvP forums, I have only one thing to say to you sir.... Welcome to the PvP forums. Qa'pla. btw.. nice…
Just to introduce a little logic to what seems a truly absurd argument (for grinz)... IF Sharx agrees with Schlucki AND Sharx disagrees with Virus THEN Sharx gets forum pwned by Virus QED. Kill Feddie. Waff
Fact. Been PvPing on and off in STO since Feb 2010. Best PvP community I've ever encountered in any game. Period. 80% of the people I have talked to were generally fun to fly against and often helpful individuals. Fact. People tend to reap what they sow.... Conclusion. Think about it. Moreover, it's PvP, sumbuddy has to…
Had not heard about Dreadnought, and followed MR's link. Having abandoned any hope for ST PvP a while back, have been looking for my next space PvP fix - and believe I've found it - thank you MR for posting! Here's a more in depth link of a dev interview with arena footage for those who may be interested. Unlike SC / ED,…
Hey m8, You are aware that a) twelve/thirteen year olds are on the interwebz, b) they do play online games and c) many also have access to someone's credit card, right...? Kill Feddie. Waff
C.mon m8, Two klink, only one feddie quote in your sig.... this is not game balance. FED - Feeble Earthers Dieing Add it! You know you want to... Kill Feddie. Waff
Fourth option- Someone that was 'smart' enough to quit because they did not enjoy the 'summer sausage' treatment that PWE/Cryptic has been continuallly handing out of late to the community. Someone who currently sees the only hope for this IP being a new developer. Someone (call it trolling if you like) who voiced their…
Hey m8, I'm not the one 'casually dropping in' to the PvP forums to hysterically vent their nerd rage *grinz* Or the one self-stroking their PvP wannabe epeen *grinz again* Guess some people just don't want to be helped then... *grinz once more* Ah, well, at least I tried. Kill Feddie. Waff
Well, some of the ideas posted are really quite good, but perhaps something more in the spirit of DR would work as well...say for instance - You beam down to Risa, are blindfolded, and made to kneel in the sand. (you can wear your skimpy swim wear if you did that grind too). Then you have a nice summer sausage (Bratwurst…
And to expand a little further on Riyott's observations (before the virtually inevitable gang bang of your various orifices begins) - noticed in your post that you seem to like to reference feminine hygene products as well as male genitalia - am wondering, can you show us on this doll where the bad PvP'er touched you? You…
Doesn't require any telepathic ability to spot forum butthurt... But, dun worry, Shpoksy... no doubt you're a special snowflake! *grinz* Kill Feddie. Waff
Hmmm... appears that we may number Shpoks among the 90% with tender egos then. Dun worry m8, whatever your performance shortcomings, you still have a shpoksy handle... *grinz* Kill Feddie. Waff
Dun worry whales and whalettes... Cryptic/PWE (under the expert guidance of the EP) will be able to salvage everything of value from the carcasses you leave behind... Feeling better now ? *grinz* Kill Feddie. Waff
Nice necro brudder.... exhuming this FABULOUS thread... So, yoohoo, ASKRAY, still waiting for you to admit to total PVP suckage in THIS thread... Whar r u sweetling...? marco poloooo.... *still grinzing* Kill Feddie. Waff
QFT. Left the game late last spring after having played on/off since Feb 2010 and, other than occasionally trolling the forums, am dun dun dun. Serious question though - been looking around: WoT (meh imo). MW (nah). SW just a space on the rails shooter last I heard, so nah. SC is still a fair ways off it seems. SO any good…
/RP *Rides into thread on white charger wearing fabulous fanboi cape* Wait just a second, you idiots, why do you even bother posting? The devs don't read the forums... nobody cares! So just stop making these I quit.... wait wut? :eek: Ooopsie... meant to say NOW WE"RE LIVING THE DREAM.. GG CRYPTIC!…
Guys, guys! I think some of you must not have clicked the linky the first time around.... c'mon, we're living the freakin PWE dream here! So then...ONE....MORE....TIME!! Kill Feddie. Waff
To be fair, maybe if PWE did offer to buy us dinner and a movie first, it might feel different... You know, say maybe an egg roll, and then an old Bruce Lee video or something... That way remaining players might not feel so cheap and dirty just logging in... *grinz* Kill Feddie. Waff
SIR- This link, when combined with your sig pic and your total disregard for the plight of the OP, has compelled me to award you 'TeH INTERNETZ' this day... congratulations!! Kill Feddie, Waff
Mods not unpopular? Not yet maybe... come on down to the PvP forums... oh,'s dead Jim... Yoohoo, ASKRAY, wher r u sweetling? marco polooooo... *still grinzing* Kill Feddie, Waff
As a fan of Star Trek who joined the game at launch (not Beta), and in the spirit of this thread I thought I would post a serious comment - The reasons I played for as long as I did were two fold 1) I luvz the IP 2) I luvz the PvP. Cryptic systematically ignored/derailed/killed PvP in this game to the point where it is now…
Question: Why are the boulevards in Paris all lined with trees? Answer: Because the German Army prefers to march in the shade. So don't worry, my friend, you'll get it eventually... Starts humming Das Panzerlied... *grinz* Kill Feddie. Waff