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vykorprime Arc User



  • Appears to be some kind of network routing issue from certain regions to STO's data center. Sitting here in SF Bay Area, the game fairly unplayable with periodic spikes of dropped packets. Once I VPN'ed my machine through a server sitting on Level3 backbone in Dallas, all the lag immediately cleared up. Basically some…
  • No, only a few specific missions will now get you a commendation. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=14074721&postcount=15 One of the fastest way to a commendation and some dilithium currently is to park in the Allied Minefield zone, take the daily and the Clear Swarmers found mission. Killing every swarmer…
  • HUDs are not supposed to be super-colorful. High-contrast elements and colors increases information density, making things more difficult to assess for split-second decisions. It also triggers what is called "cognitive capture", which means you're focusing more on instrumentation than the situation on your actual viewport.…
  • This is not a Romulan issue. Same error occurs with old characters on SB24, minefield, mirror invasion, etc -- sometimes it works fine, but sometimes they will just not let you into the instance. PvE queues are broken.
  • And I thought I was alone in disliking this new HUD (everyone else I talk to about this is all "oo, pretty colors"). The colors are ridiculously distracting. Case in point: 4 different colors + green for ship's power levels. Used to be that I can tell at a glance where my power levels here, which systems went offline, etc.…
  • This is not limited to a Romulan thing. My actual level 50 KDF cannot join this match either without being thrown out after 5 seconds.
  • I know, right? :) Looks like Champions is also down. I'm thinking data center issues. Just hoping whoever is on their Network Ops team has their beeper turned on...
  • The cryptic servers (including crypticstudios.com) are not ping'able from SF, Dallas, or New Jersey. Their servers or data center could be having connectivity issues.
  • Having the same issue here. Just clicking on the button causes a crash to desktop. I did not replace any officers.
  • Very cool. Can see this being really useful, especially if/when project management features are added for fleet officers. However, hmm, is the fleet holdings feature is only pushed to Gateway Test, or is it supposed to be active for the main gateway connected to Holodeck? Currently not seeing my fleet holdings on the main…
  • if you can still grab the daily via private matches, this doesn't actually fix the exploit. Instead of AFK'ing for 5 kills they will just AFK for 15 kills, etc. Also, I'd rather you encourage the people aiming for the daily reward to do their own short private matches for their daily, than to AFK through 15 kills in a…
  • Sure, foundry FMs were an exploit. But that is a symptom of a system design issue for rewarding fleet marks. Base construction is already difficult for anyone not in the top 10% fleets with hundreds of active members, mostly due to lack of fleet marks. This is because while projects scale up geometrically as the tiers…
  • Sorry, I don't see your name listed on the Dev Tracker. Your opinion is irrelevant, so stop clogging up bug reports with random nonsense. For the people with actual source code access, this appears to be an edge case when the player dies within some window of when the optional award is triggered. It is most apparent on…
  • Bay Area Comcast user here. Issue does not appear to be resolved for me, though it does not seem quite as bad as Friday and Saturday. Still rubberbanding and disconnect this morning. Still gets better stability/performance when using the proxy though. 1. Issue began last Friday. Despite popular belief I'm not actually…
  • Comcast and NorCal here. Same problem. I poked around a bit. Routing to certain Cryptic servers from NorCal Comcast seem to be half-broken at the moment. Connecting to some game servers (and only *some* game servers, not all) result in dropped packets 10 to 20 percent of the time, leading to the "lag" effect we're seeing.…
  • I'm in the Bay Area and a Comcast user, and I have the exact same issue. Pinging the actual game servers (like results in dropped packets about 20% of the time. Been like this for a couple of days now. I was able to work around this by VPN'ing into my corporate network. Once under VPN the issue disappears.…
  • It would have been helpful if you provided measurements and data to support your arguments, rather than just theorycrafting. My testing with the ACT DPS meter shows that the Kinetic Cutting Beam outguns Mk XII advanced fleet turrets in STFs on an escort-type ship equipped with 2 Cannon Scatter Volleys, by approximately…
  • Or reassign to None and back. This is presumably to fix the "Delete a ship to get super boff powers" bug that was exploited mercilessly since the last patch. They could have made this clearer in the patch notes, or simply unsetting all the boffs from their stations so it doesn't look like they were broken.
  • Same problem here with my characters Serrana@vykorprime, Aetia@vykorprime. I'm hoping this is a cosmetic problem (that is, the counter not knowing what to do with itself when the time was changed to 20 hrs from 40 hrs). If it's actually stuck, I'd be very annoyed.
  • Getting particularly bad the last few nights. 4/5 of the team disconnected in KAGE last night at one point, and individually had at least 3 disconnects. One of them never made it back. You know it's not a network connection issue when you see most of your 10+ friends all logout within seconds of each other, or when the…
  • The previous group finished Cure too quickly, and the instance sticks around. The remaining spot is then filled from the queue. It's been a problem for a while now. The workaround so far is to watch the queue numbers. If it offers you a match while the queue is 0/5, for example, that means you're about to be added to an…
  • 1. Are squadron looting messages ever able to be set as "fly-ins" again? There is an option to do so in the Notification settings, but ticking the box does nothing at all and it's reset to off immediately. This bug has been reported but we just can't seem to catch any engineer's attention:…
  • Agreed. This is really annoying. Why even make it an option when the "option" doesn't actually work? Or, for that matter, why hasn't this been caught during QA? If you just tried to tick squadron looting, you can see the setting doesn't stick.
  • Asked and answered a few months ago :) Basically, dev's inside joke http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=4034780&postcount=10
  • I posted the exactly same question a few days ago to Bugs forum and got zero responses. I suspected this was a bug, since it makes very little sense to specifically exclude disruptor pulsewaves and sniper rifles but include the annoying minigun, etc. We were hoping to finish our KDF starbase tier 3 fabricator too and see…
  • Just because you want an economic model more favorable to you personally, does not mean it should be implemented. The term you're looking for is a "post-scarcity economy". Economic transactions still happen; simply the materials formerly considered scarce (and thus rationed by economic systems) are no longer scarce. There…
  • Did you allocate all your space skill points? New captain skills don't kick in until you've spent all your skill points for that level, ground or space.
  • The fleet version of the Tac Escort Retrofit has 5 tac console slots and an absurdly high turn rate. With the exception of the Jemmie, nothing else has that. Player skill being equal, the fleet tac escort will out-dps the fleet patrol escort. So it's flimsier than the patrol escort (less hull, less shield), but the point…
    in Season 6 Comment by vykorprime July 2012
  • The mission text suggests that when B'Vat went back in time, he gave 25th century technology and weapons upgrades to his 23rd century flunkies. This is why the 23rd century Klingon cruisers still can damage your fancy 25th century ship, and is handily beating the TRIBBLE out of the Enterprise. Since he's also one of those…
  • So I actually saw this working for about a week, until just today when it broke again. Sigh. Maybe i should play some other PW game and get a level 10, to avoid this problem. For those of you concerned about spam from doing surveys, use a free email account created especially for this purpose and never give out super…