Same issue here, and given the amount of zoning we do, it gets aggravating clearing my BOff powers every single time. I prefer my BOff powers to NOT be assigned to any keys, I'd rather just click them. I keep specific abilities or clickies on the power tray, and like to keep the BOff powers on the BOff tray.
Thanks @Cryptic_TTC for the response. Generally, I like most of the new UI and I very much appreciate how fast and responsive it is, compared to the current UI on Holodeck that suffers a performance hit with long lists such as DOffs and especially browsing Foundry missions. Also one thing that has always bothered me, and…
I'm having the same problem with the character born and raised on Tribble, his space bridge officer trays are empty and in the Character Sheet -> Stations tab all the stations are missing for Space but I can assign Ground. For the two characters I copied from Holodeck just now, their trays are fine...
I'm with everyone else, I think there should simply be some type of filtering or sorting so that Story missions can co-exist with Farming missions. If Farming doesn't work for IOR, so be it, though honestly back when the "click the console" quickie existed, I used to do that daily just to get the dilithium out of the way…
I have a sinking feeling it's going to post on the forums as my old PWE stupid name not my Cryptic name I've been using for years... /sigh Yes it did... bleh...