Like I said and we've all said, you got what you asked for. You encouraged Cryptic to be lazy and feed you rubbish, to destroy unique gameplay and to just copy and paste content. This is what you get and what you deserve. Personally I preferred this game a lot better a year ago and feel it's gone downhill dramatically…
What's the loadout you have in mind on a T2 Connie? I guarantee you they can tank and do loads of damage while shrugging off a lot of punishment provided they are flown and setup right. Although in honesty I prefer the science vessel over T2 Cruiser, I feel I should point out that everything needs a buff to stand more of a…
o.O? Sorry but Connie can be a Tank/Damage dealer and a pretty mean one to if flown right. If all they can do is tank and heal with it, I'd say they are flying it wrong :P
Yeah. Just had a fight with one in an escort. He lost badly and had to rely on two cruisers to help him escape! XD But that thing out-turned me so damn well and should have outtanked. Problem with FvK queues is that it doesn't say who's on each side at the moment. Absolutely nuts.
I can usually take on 4 with an raptor or escort, that actually may just be player skill. However I do believe the Dhelan is much stronger than both the Raptor and Escort making both those ships kind of obsolete.
Honestly, did nobody see this coming? We all pointed out this is what would happen yet people refused to listen. You just made two factions pretty much the same and this is what you get. Boring, repetitive gameplay with no real distinction between any side. Congrats.
This got mentioned in Tribble yet they did nothing about it. I'm surprised you were able to pvp because the queues are completely broken for me even kvk and Kerrat at tier 1 is dominated by tier 5 romulan warbirds. And yes, tier 1-4 PvP is the best PvP in game. Tier 5 is an absolute joke.
We nagged and begged, even threatened to give Dstahl a handbagging, to restore Science to it's former glory because seriously, this game has become a lot blander and less interesting without them being able to do what they were once capable of. Science Bridge Officer abilities did not deserve the nerf they got (there was…
I am unsure if your list is accurate, there are some hidden traits that become unlocked if you use a certain trait. I think in reality there are more traits available than actually appear on that list.
Do know that the D'deridex is meant to be as big as a Vo'Quv and fly like a giant Space Whale? Even more so than the Galaxy? I fail to see the logic of people's complaints. The only gripe I can see don't lay with the ship as such, but actually the game mechanics. This game is incredibly biased to point where it makes…
Yeah, think they'd have thought about something like that before releasing the expansion. Ah well.... just had more lol's of Cryptic's messups. They got Level 50 Romulan Warbirds in Lt level Kerrat, and some levels don't let Romulans in at all it appears.
Actually the main anger is about it making both factions the same rather than unique. That's everyone's continued gripe with Cryptic. Rather them creating something new and unique for each faction they just water everything down and make everything bland. Plasmonic Leech being overpowering (which it's not really as the…
Should change it all from disenchanted to "This Far, No Further" especially with Fed's getting Plasmonic Leech. If you Fed's want our continued support and respect, how about doing something for us and start hammering Cryptic by boycotting the new lockboxes or just lockboxes in general? This is going to see a massive…
Cryptic really knows how to TRIBBLE off it's players. No wonder all the real pvp'ers went to games like mwo and planetside 2. Think when Star Citizen comes out everyone will tell Cryptic where to stick their lockboxes? If only people had willpower and boycotted the lockboxes when they first came out. Good job whiners and…
Everything in this game is pretty much out of scale/badly scaled. Think there are four distinct sizes of BOP There's a scout BOP that's tiny. A miniature B'rel. There's a raider BOP that's pretty much considered the B'rel we all know and love. Then there is a Heavy Cruiser BOP known as the K'vort which is essentially a…
Probably the wrong person to answer in this then as I'm one to usually not care about clothes. I go with more boring browns and greys if I can be bothered changing them. If you want to try to improve my wardrobe feel free! lol But seems to me your gripe is not only with colours, but the fact that the uniforms poorly…
Do know the obvious counter to that is "That's underestimating the intelligence of a new player who we all presume can read." (which I know is mixed, cause there is a lot of ignorance in this game by even people playing for over 3 years, although that might just be arrogance.) There is also nothing to stop them keeping…
Before the LOR closed Beta Testing you were able to choose traits with the new character creator. It's something that needs put back in, and there is no obvious reason (that hasn't got strings of underhanded) why it shouldn't be in.
It was originally intended to have it on xbox 360 as well. Not sure about PS3 though. There was a discussion section on this forums at one point for the xbox version of the game.