Direct X 11. DDI 10.1 Direct Draw, Direct 3D Acceleration, AGP - all activated. ATI Radeon 4600 Series, with 748MB cache. Driver Model: WDDM 1.1 OS: Windows 7 Home, 64bit. I found out, the Radeon 4600 Series is no longer supported by AMD, and updates are only available through Windows updates. And Win 7 is no longer…
I usually tried to give them names in Romulan or name them after Romulan ships on the show, like the Khazara. There's a D'Valthau (Valdore + D'Ridthau) somewhere in the dock, a Khazara, a Verelan, one D'Tervek (from the random generator because it sounded nice) and for fun the intel ship was named "bright/shiny" (ehhae)…
I'd like the special uniform to be the one Commander Donatra from "Nemesis" was wearing. Not the Tal Shiar full set, precisely because of what the Tal Shiar represent in-game.
I know the feeling - maybe! Presuming you cannot afford most things on the Exchange, not only the very expensive insanely priced things. What you can do to earn EC without investing RL currency, as several people have suggested already, is: - raise your crafting skills, so you can make upgrades yourself (level 12 and…
Go inside the security office. Walk past the desk and go through the side door, that will lead you to the back office. That's where the security officer is.
I have a map, I have a big screen, I have everything except a fully functional inner ear. My eyes do not talk to that part of the brain that tells me where left/right/up/down is, see? ;)
This!! I find Dyson a nightmare to navigate. Up in the sphere, I find it very hard to find my way around, the buildings all look very similar, and there are a lot of objects. I fly by minimap and pointer, and the prompts on-screen in the white brackets. I'm still in the Dyson Sphere quite often, as it's a pretty map with…
I liked Peril over Pahvo. I play Dranuur Gauntlet a lot, this one is more or less the same thing, but nice and easy. No Iconians camping on the respawn point here. I'd recommend Peril over Pahvo for players with little experience with TFOs, it's straightforward and has both interaction (satellites) and stuff to blow up.…
Just a random thought - the problem seems to be the way some players behave, and the only solutions that have been suggested in this thread are to change the code? If the problem is people, the solution needs to involve more than just tweaking lines of code. If there is a Rise of the TFO Trolls, how about a Rise of the TFO…
While I like your ideas of changing the way the system doles out rewards, because it suits my style of play, I don't think the basic problem - People Behaving Like Jerks Just Because They Can - is something that can be addressed by altering the code of a game. It needs to be addressed by the gaming community as a whole,…
If I'm not mistaken, the Terran Odyssey class cruisers in the Badlands seem to count as dreadnoughts. Or maybe it was a fluke, but if not, that is one easy way to find dreadnoughts.
I would prefer smaller ships, really. The ships you mention are massive objects in space that can make it hard to fly around them on a crowded map. The last time I was at DS9, the game tried to put my ship and something huge that had just warped in in the same space, it was that crowded. Just finding your own mid size ship…
I don't like the Kobali either, I thought Starfleet would have been better off enforcing a no-fly zone for both Kobali and Vaadwaur - instead of siding with the Kobali - and I admit I used a lot of emotes after those dialogue options to comment on what my Romulan *really* would have said. Somewhere, though, I remember the…
Or maybe allow the humans, Ferengi etc. Boffs to wear the Romulan uniform? The way it is now I think of my human science boff as the ship's Starfleet liaison officer, who wears her Starfleet uniform. Romulans *can* wear the Discovery uniform boots with their faction specific uniforms - just the boots, nothing else ;)
Tug renamed to Picard Maneuver would be awesome! And some more for actual feelings, like happy, bored, confused. I could have used "happy" after winning Dabo at Drozana =) (and an arrogant Romulan smirk would have come in handy, too ;)
A Borg space battlezone could become one of my favourite places in STO! You have my support for this, too - all those Borg in the Defera invasion zone must have come from somewhere; and the last time I was there, the old interaction buttons in the Vorn and Quadra Sigma systems were still there, too. Someone told me they…
While I would like to see a merit based system of rewards, I have to admit that you make a very good point on why it would cause problems. That said, I would like to see some form of recognition for support actions - healing others, interacting with the map, and debuffing/buffing. I honestly have no idea what to do about…
This, and in addition like patrickngo said, increase the rewards for the people who try and finish the queue. I don't know about any dedicated troll communities, but if they exist, isn't this something people should be aware of?
That "Vote to Abandon" feature that was mentioned somewhere above would be a good thing. Either that, or an automatic end if the TFO takes much, much longer to complete than intended, or if more than half of the team has gone (or something). I was in one TFO where two people left early, one of them was cursing because the…
This! I absolutely agree, and would like to add, vision and the ability to interact with things is indeed not ideal: in the Asteroid Tow area the static interference makes it very difficult to see what is going on, and the asteroids seem difficult to "trigger". I had to bump into one to be able to interact with it. A…
I think Dranuur Gauntlet is supposed to get more and more difficult as you progress... sometimes, it's sheer hell - especially with a Vaadwaur fleet on the Respawn point. That said, with the Tzenkethi, are you sure nobody on the team was using Gravity Well, by any chance? Tzenkethi ships reinforce themselves if they are…