Yawning intensity has reached critical levels! Seriously though, the playerbase is getting tired of these gambling promo packs and lockboxes. Take a look at the comments over on /r/STO and on the twitter announcement.
Haven't posted here much due to real life stuff but this will be my final post as AD/NTs PR Officer. Join AD/NT if you want a family friendly environment filled with helpful and knowledgeable officers. They host annual parties to mark their founding every year as well as annual Christmas parties where some nice and…
Access Denied's K-13 Retrofit Engineering wing will be complete in less than 9 days. It anyone is looking for an active fleet with knowledgeable players then feel free to message either myself or capbash and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Just a friendly reminder that Access Denied's Xenotech facilities will reach tier 3 in less than 18 hours and if anyone would like an invite once it is complete then feel free to let us know.
Well the Aegis is my T5-U Tac Oddy which I'm still flying over the Sojourner, Yorktown and Endeavour. The Galactus is the Sojourner with the Yorktown secondary hull and Odyssey nacelles. But yeah, I love the new parts :P