- More Klingon hairstyles - Benzite Bridge Officers - Female Gorn, Letheans, and Nausicaans - also more ferasan caitian hairstyles preferrably like M'ress from the star trek cartoon show - more long hairstyles in general - also purchasable liberated borg and talaxian species for captains
also another problem that the kdf has is there is no femal letheans nausicaan and gorn yet they made female remans which no one has seen before so i think the y need to fix the kdf show us kdf lovers some love:(
you know i thought that they would at least make all the klingon npc uniforms available for use and that worf hairstyle that him and his son have in game
while i do agree they gave us more story content therefore making klingon gameplay ten time more awesome they barely gave more klingon customization options for your characters that has been one major complaint since the start of the game that has not been resolved
as mucha as i love the idea of a romulan faction i think the klingon faction needs to be more developed before they come up with a romulan faction because if they do a romulan faction now it would probably have the same issues as the klingon faction
I agree there were so many different hairstyles the klingons had in the shows but none were dreads i would actually like Be'tor or Lady Sirella's hairstyles from the show