Good thing then since i hoarded a ton of them for this exact reason! Ill soon be a multi millionare MUHAHAHAH!!! No really, ive "wasted" TONS AND TONS of hours farming them, ill be pretty mad if the prices will go down lol.
Didnt work sadly :( Yeah i pressed the beam out button the second i spawned it but nothing happened. After a few seconds the DOT started again and i got a few messages saying "you cant beam out in combat" or something like that Ill try this, ill wait for a while before logging in again ... hopefully it works.
Well thank you. I knew about the rule saying not to revive threads and such but i simply didnt check/see the date of this post ... thanks again for the reply, ive tried asking in-game several times but no1 seems to care ... oh well
Hi, im sorry if im asking this in the wrong place but since i cant start a new thread i had to find an already existing thread which deals with a similar thing ... Anyhow, to the point, a noob question thats been bugging me for a while now, when selling multiple items at the exchange (selling in bulk) do i have to set the…