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vendahra Arc User



  • If you want a colony fleet holding, wait until we go to the Gamma quadrant. They should let us use New Khitomer as a holding. That place has to start sometime.
  • I would suggest you go KDF and devote part of your time to marauder DOff assignment. Think of your Naussicans and Orions as mercenaries. If you use a Ferengi, profit is profit, no matter if obtained legally or illegally. You can probably pick up a Tuffli freighter for under 200m EC. Or invest in the Ferengi lockbox ship.…
  • At the beginning of the game I created a KDF character who was a female Orion. I didn't play her much and decided to delete her. When my main reached max Diplomacy and was able to take a BOff from the opposing faction, I chose an Orion female, giving her the same name as my KDF and approximating her appearance. I then…
  • It's not in their best interest to take steps to reduce the number of things filling up inventory or bank spaces. They don't want to make things easier, they want to sell more inventory or bank slots. The faster you fill them up, the more slots you are likely to buy.
  • I am 100% behind a colony holding, but I would wait and make it part of the eventual opening of the Gamma Quadrant. As a matter of fact, I would make the fleet holding New Khitomer. In the future it's a pretty amazing place, but it has to start somewhere. Why not under the tutelage and protection of a fleet.
  • The way I beat these was flying a ship with hangar pets set to Intercept. They catch the torpedoes before they get to you, giving you time to take out the warbird.
  • The next holding should be something large, more like a Starbase than a Spire. Creating such a large project will get every fleet in game focused on Dilithium production, giving the game the sink it desperately needs. I envision giving us a colony garrison, where as projects are completed, we get to see our colony grow.…
  • What they need to do is have all the bad guys we've fought and got away to form a "Legion of Doom" with the purpose of getting revenge on us for foiling their plans. Each can launch an attack in the present or future. Given the bad guys out there wo hate us, that would give them more than enough missions to fill a season.
  • Never gonna happen. It would take a lot of work to expand BOffs to a fifth level. I doubt the database covering this was even built for expansion. It would require new BOff skill levels and probably new skills for how many professions now? 7? And they the UI would have to be expanded for an additional slot for each BOff,…
  • I think the point of housing, like everything else, is for Cryptic to make money. There are people so into this world that they wouldn't mind living here, even virtually. So give then a dedicated player housing planet. Some remote colony world. Provide them with a basic house. Put other homes in the Dil store or the…
  • The Captain's Table is supposed to be outside time and space. So why not put 23c items on vendors there. Crytpic has been looking for ways to utilize that map, so why not use it for the vendors.
  • The reward is you get a sneak peek at new content.
  • I have been asking about these missions on the Tribble boards since the new sector maps went live there. Devs have responded in the threads, but never to my query. I have asked for confirmation but it falls upon deaf ears. In my mind they have gone from 'missed' to 'removed' but they don't want to tell us.
  • It would be fun if they could do something ground related for the war as well. Let's say you're flying through sector space, and you get a pop up that tells you Iconian portals have opened on the surface of Andoria (for example) and all available ships should respond. If you accept the mission you go there, beam down and…
  • I am going to have to guess that since they never responded to posts about missions "Defense Contract" or "Sh'marr" and that there is still no sign of the missions, it is because they have been removed. . Can we get confirmation about whether or not these missions have been removed permanently? And if so, will we be given…
  • Add: Logged into Microsoft site to download latest updates to Windows 8.1. After installing, game still crashing.
  • I posted on the bug forum. I have been having crashes every time I play since the Delta Recruit event began. I had no problem with crashes before. I don't know what they did, but the last patch introduced a serious incompatibility with my system. I tried adjusting my settings, i downloaded the most recent drivers for my…
  • Then I guess I am totally blind, because I have been checking the new Sector map on Tribble since it has been released, and I don't see Sh'mar anywhere.
  • In that instance, they probably didn't remove the mission, they just removed computer cores.
  • Another patch and still no sign of the missions "Defense Contract" or "Sh'marr". Can we get confirmation about whether or not these missions have been removed permanently? And if so, will we be given a new location where we can acquire Deuterium Surplus, which is currently a reward of Defense Contract?
  • Has there been any acknowledgement about these missions. I have mentioned it a couple of times and haven't seen anything more. On the old map, the Sh'mar mission was located between the Zibal system and Starbase 157. I cannot find it anywhere on the new map. On the new map it should probably be in the Aldebaran sector.…
  • It seems a couple of missions have gone missing with the revamp. Sh-'mar, the freighter rescue mission was located to the right of the Zibal system from K7 on the old map doesn't seem to appear anywhere near Zibal, or anywhere else. And the Defense Contract mission where we obtain Deuterium was at the Alhena system on the…
  • I bought the Dauntless. It seems a bit squishy so i mothballed it after I unlocked the trait. I'm still flying my vesta. Now that's a solid ship.
  • I can confirm this issue as well. When both starship traits are active, and I have fighters out, the game locks up and will eventually crash. It does not lock if either trait is inactive, or if both are active and there are no fighters launched. It appears to be a conflict when actually trying to heal the shields on the…
  • A shuttle event. The crystalline snowflake is approaching the gingerbread village so we board our impulse powered sleighs loaded with snow or candy weapons and do battle. And when defeated it coats the village in snow.
  • I wrote this for Dilithium Weekend farming, but you can use the same tips for regular Dilithium farming. With another dilithium weekend approaching, I wanted to write up the steps I took last time out to accumulate dilithium. I made over 300k on my main last time out, and hope to do better than that this time around. The…
  • For the 50th Anniversary (September 2016), I would like a new Alpha quadrant sector map, with patrols added for many of the worlds visited by 1701.It doesn't have to be some grand storyline. Just give us a few patrols like what's currently available on Tribble.
  • The Requisition tokens have been added to the special console at Drozana station. Go pick one up and then use the ship selector at the station to do the upgrade.
  • Thank you. I forgot to go back and look at my skills when I built this ship. I will have to give those some more thought. I don't plan to use torpedoes so the projectile points can definitely be moved. Since I don't need the Nimbus pirates in my device slot, any recommendations for a third device?
  • Ship - Voth Heavy Fighter Weapons Advanced Fleet Antiproton dual beams with [ACC]x2 [DMG]x2 (Heavy fighter won't take DHC) Borg Kinetic Cutting Beam Assimilated Deflector Array (omega rep) Assimilated Subtranswarp Engine (omega rep) Elite Fleet Plasma Integrated Warp Cores with [W->S],[AMP] Dyson Regenerative Shield Array…