Re: sector walls coming down. Have to say this is interesting, but wait what about...nvm for now. The devil is in the details isn't it. Mini edit: congrats and good luck sir! :)
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet? but.. Lets say I pick a beam array and go to the screen that shows what is needed (focusing lens or w/e redded out) Would it be possible to click that red icon to take me to the screen to make that, instead of backing out etc etc? Would be quite useful I think.
Only came across the Pen and thrust ones so far. The (pen) was on a AP DHC. A disruptor with pen on sounds interesting tho. I am guessing they only come with 1x the new mods on, for a min I was drooling over the thought of a disruptor with pen x3. :cool:
I wish I had heard the priority one podcast interview last week. Instead of feeling...defcon OMG.. Today I am in the position of "go on..I'm listening..." Nagging doubt based on past performance remain but I have put my pitchfork away.....for now :P
Compared to what is up on tribble right now, that's much closer to want I would like to see. With the odd tweak here and there ofc. (one step at a time tho right? ) GJ :)
Follow on to my last post. Just think of the possibilities with being able to build truly specialized to you gear. Want X piece of gear with a certain set of modifiers? (whatever that might be) If you have the modifier schematics you can do it. I don't think the dil price would be much of an issue then. Think the horse has…
Maybe the schematics could be random low odds drops as well, ex: ap acc modifier recipe drops in this place etc etc. Would certainly get everyone playing all kinds of different content. trying to find where it drops or when that is known trying to get it. I am going to be killed for that idea aren't I? :eek:
It seems to me they have taken the alien artifact console crating assignment and expanded it across the whole system. Slapped a dil price on it and said job done. (not 100% accurate I know) Minus the dil cost I think it would be closer to workable. (depending on details ofc) I would keep following my stunted train of…
If I was starting now I would probably go for a Rom Tac Kdf aligned char. Romulan operatve trait. Tac->melt stuff. Kdf->contraband. If going free to play route anyway.
Scenario: Cryptic: "We heard that you want this..." Player: "Thanks does it have this..?" Cryptic: "It's now on Tribble for you to test..." Player: "Thanks but it doesn't do this and that is wrong and what about the other..." Cryptic: "We have updated this..." Player: "But it still doesn't do this what we asked for..."…
That's the thing, if it cost that much dil and you got what was shown, not really a problem. Also if it cost no dil and was random I think people would just let it go also. The alien artifact doff mission chain thing as an example.
Yup, That's the one. :) Looks like you are in for the rep grind now then. the borg shield isn't great you could get an elite fleet shield with a little work involved. (not as long as maxing out the rep stuff at least). the borg 2pc is still decent (eng/deflector).
Looking at what you have there I would say you could do worse than getting the warp core from the mission you got the Omni directional AntiProton beam from, 10% (I think) AP damage (2p bonus) for about 20-30 mins work) is a start. While waiting for someone with much more building knowledge than me comes along. :)
Example of posts from way back when. Exaggerated for fun effect ofc. Zomg!1!! etc I have just run X stf for the 9 millionth time and did a bazilion % of the total damage, and the epic thingy of awesomeness dropped and some noob got the drop and not my awesome self. Fix it!1!! etc (Think it needs more caps to be accurate…