Same issue here. Tried using vanity-shields, map changing, selecting different ships, visiting different tailors, rebooting game and PC and tinkered around with basically all graphic settings, without any success. I hope, they bring a solution soon.
Sorry mate, but it´s your fault. It is just all about reading. Steam, Epic, ARC, they are all different business partners from our players point of view. If one of them offers a discount, but you buy your stuff from one of the others, it´s not them to blame...
This might not be, what you are looking for, maybe even a bad idea, but just to mention it: mission omni + crafted omni + Omega Cutting Beam (omni) works (includig drawbacks, ofc...)...
Thx guys, i think, i got it. I simply took a break from this game from late 2010 to just a few months ago, and since the game changed a lot since then, there is just too much new stuff to figure out... At a side note: yes, i already found the Keldon T6 at the Exchange...but the Keldon, just like most of the high quality…
Okay, thanks for those information, this at least makes some sense to me. If the Galor dates back to a time, where unique consoles weren´t part of tier 5 ships, and the spiral disruptors were her signature weapon, so be it. Maybe we will see an overhaul of this venerable ship some day, like we did with the Excelsior,…
Not exactly. I expected something to be the case, that IS the case in basically all other cases. I expected the standard to be the case, not the exception. When i found out, that my expectation was not met, i was disappointed. So i came over here to ask, to find out, wether or not there has ever been an official…
Well, you can consider hangar-pets as a bonus, on the other hand, ARC is not ashame to sell a bunch of ships either build as carriers, or advertised with unique hangar-pets. Two of the three purchasable Cardassian ships come with these unique Yakuma Frigates, and considering the price tag, you could at least expect the…
> @reyan01 said: > vaderan vaderan#4971 > > wrote: » > > It might be (too) obvious, but will this Narendra "support cruiser" come with an "Ambassador"-class skin, just as the advanced heavy cruiser (Excelsior)? Name and class already indicate it, but i didn´t read "comes with Ambassador support cruiser skin" anywhere... >…
It might be (too) obvious, but will this Narendra "support cruiser" come with an "Ambassador"-class skin, just as the advanced heavy cruiser (Excelsior)? Name and class already indicate it, but i didn´t read "comes with Ambassador support cruiser skin" anywhere...