I voted other for something many will surely see as stupid. I stopped playing when the cargo ships went away. I just popped in today for the first time in a couple months hoping they'd be back. You see all I do is work on a 3 person fleet's SB. I don't want to jump through hoops to buy the stupid commodities. It's tough…
The cell ships only have 4 or 5 things. I know I got so frustrated trying to find seismic stabilizers and industrial replicators for fleet projects that I just logged out, It might be time for me to just go onto to something else.
5th time was the charm for me. When heading to astrometrics this time I took it slow through the halls which is the opposite that you tend to do when repeating a mission since you've seen it al before. When I ran into a group of NPCs I made sure to stand there until they aggrod on me so I would kill them. I also made sure…
As so done who joined a fleet with 3 friends, star base almost at tier II, and then watch them basically stop playing.....building your star base is like eating a whale, one bit at a time. After almost 2 years I'm a month away from doing shipyard tier IV. I only did dilithium mine tier I because mathematically the payback…
I had to buy my Fed boffs for dilithium at ESD. That was the only way I figured out how to do it. Try buying one from the personnel guy at Q'Nos and see if that works for you too. They must be common (white) boffs.
It's easy to get rid of the "exploit" avility. Have a 30 minute or longer cool down if you drop the mission but no cool down if you succesfully complete the quest. As others have said, with a 4 hour coold down Cryptic might as well just make it a daily quest and throw it out of the event rotation completely.
I finally got my July stipend, it was 3 days late. Still no June stipend and they already told me in one ticket that I did not get multiple payments. I personally think they missed 3 payments and not 1 but as we've all come to find out, they think we're all wrong. My sub is cancelled and no more cash going to this game…
It's now been 2 months since my last stipend. Their own accounting showed I did not get a double or triple. I will NEVER spend another penny on this game until there is a proper zen ledger for transparency.
Still no stipend for me since May 22 and I know I didn't get dupes because billing support told me the dates I got payments but then failed to take care of the fact that the last payment was 5 weeks ago when they responded to my ticket and closed it. My sub is now cancelled. I don't plan on spending any cash until a zen…
This sounds like a group I can fit into, I hadn't been playing my KDF much because I really had no reason. This would give me a reason to play that side a couple times a week.
The deafening silence is the status on June stipends for current subscribers and lifers. Billing's own response to me showed they were 8 days late with the june stipend and didn't address it at all! Now it's July 8th and I've yet to receive my June stipend. There are many of us that have not gotten a June stipend. They're…
Now July 5th and no June stipend. What really pisses me off is that last week my billing ticket was finally looked at and they said I gotten all my stipends (I disagree but ok) yet their response even showed I was overdue for the June stipend! I've personally decided to not spend any more money until there is a proper zen…
Yet with me it took 10 days to get a reply that I've gotten all my stipends and the list even showed I still hadn't been paid June's a week after it was due. As of this morning (now July) still no June stipend.
Finally after about 10 days they answered me with a list showing 4 stipends applied the last 4 months. I know I didn't actually get all of them into the account but since I have no way to pull zen purchase/sell/buy history I can't prove it anyway. Support also completely failed to adress why my June stipend has not been…
Also many people did not get dupes and are still not getting their stipends. Even a person who started their subscriptions after April is not getting stipend. I know they didn't dupe me and I'm not getting mine either. 11 days and waiting on a reply from billing on my ticket. I don't see myself renewing next quarter at…
I know when dilithium mining you can no longer just pick up the particles since the "loot" button is now gone (only loot all). If you double click the particle itself it will give you the top item in the list and you can't pick up the rest of your loot at all.