The first part of your comment makes ZERO SENSE. You dont need to do anything like stripping off consoles or lowing weapon power, JUST QUE FOR THE ELITE MODE! It really is ridiculous that people say they want a hard mode and then complain that advanced is being made easier. These people shouldnt even be thinking about…
OP thanks so much for posting this. I have had a few eclipse dps issues with my build and was just thinking about posting a thread on it:) To those that posted build ideas, they really helped and im going to implement most of them. Only issue is Im not wanting to drop my torpedos. I have the dyson gravametric torp, with…
Thats a good point. But if we were trying to create what is shown in Star Trek in real life obviously we would have to get rid of totalitarian governments. That was my point.
Well I appreciate you admitting that... Puts both your comments into context for us all although it is odd, usually communists in America keep their beliefs on the downlow and instead talk about the poor and the so called war on women. Boy do I wish more would be truthful like you have been:) That or you are just trolling…
Are you serious right now? The society in Star Trek works because they have gotten RID of single country governments and work together. That has absolutely no connection to the horrible actions taken by the communist chinese government on a DAILY BASIS. In fact, if the world was trying to set up a world government like the…
Who cares? Well Im sure tons of people care considering we are talking about a communist country with STRICT internet censorship, one child policies (they will kill your baby if you have more than one) and a system that murders anyone that speaks out against the communist overlords. Sorry if thats not an issue for you but…
I had that problem initially with my eclipse but then I realized that you dont keep pushing the power you just like turn it on once per ship. That started making it work almost everytime. I was pushing it like I do with Bridge Officer powers and it was a nightmare.
Why are you spending an absurd amount of time defending Cryptic? Do you or a family member work for them?! Its likes seriously, its not even debatable that they screwed up with multiple different things in DR and everywhere I look you are just making excuses for each and every one. Fanboy or girl much?! Kinda sad. Not sure…
You know someones gotta be an extreme fanboy to go in numerous threads and defend Cryptic when they have clearly wronged their playerbase. Fanboys are so cool!!!
60 lobi allows you get next to nothing thats actually useful. Its a weak attempt by Cryptic who knows damn well 60 lobi is practically useless unless you have been saving other lobi or get the free 60 then buy more.
Yeah last night i checked out the swtor website for the first times since I left the game 8 months ago and found out that they announced a new expanision that is all about Revan (one of my fav characters) and that they are revamping the skill system and have a 12xp event going on right now. But on the other hand I love the…
LOL great comeback. Obviously mods can police the forums however they want but to threaten someone with going to tell on them like we are in 2nd grade is pathetic. If you dont see that I dont know what to tell you.
Yeah a statement of intent to act like a 4 year old and go tell on someone for literally typing a word. Do you even realize how pathetic you look? The dude who made the thread clearly wants something that will never happen and a few of the ideas in the post are indeed absurd but to sit here and act all high and mighty…
Are you serious? Wow that truly is pathetic. You did something I dont like! Change it now or Im telling! Wow (I dont agree with what the OP wants, just think its pathetic and childish to threaten to tell the mods on someone for saying the word troll. Grow up maybe?!)
thanks for the quick answer. Im not in a position to ever spend 100 on a ship (even when i do have extra money Ive got kids and just cant see myself spending a 100 on a digital item) so I just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing a way to get lockbox ships that i didnt know about.. I guess ill stick with my 30 dollar…
Do you just spend a bunch of real life money and play the gambling game to get all those lockbox ships or are you buying them with energy credits? If you are using energy credits what are you doing to make hundreds of millions of ecs? Im just curious because for the casual player (and even semi hardcore) having most of a…
Sorry this just doesnt happen. The gear from the lame rep boxes they give you is garbage and is not even close to enough for the advanced ques. But hey if you want to play the hard content why worry about the middle tier? Just go play elite and leave us all alone. If i was a super high level dps player i wouldnt even be…
If you are so good and so obsessed with hard content why dont you just play THE HARDEST TIER IN THE GAME?! Why would you even care about the middle tier? It makes zero sense. Nice try though.