Here is my problem, remove that torpedo, and what do you put in the extra ensign tac slot? This is a problem that occurs even outside of A2B builds. They pretty much fixed the extra ensign slot problem for engie and science boffs, but the extra tac ensign problem remains. We need a non-weapon tac boff ability at ensign…
Looks good to me! I wonder if people have seen this: It's amazing and I want it.
Assuming you are talking about a 'visual update' that would take the lines and form of the current excel and make a 2410 version: Yes. Yes, Yes, Yes. YES!
There is no fallacy in my logic. But you might want to check out the ToS and EULA: that ship isn't even remotely 'yours.' Your ship is not your avatar. Even if it were though, it wouldn't matter, you still don't 'own' it. If you want to keep believing you do, that's fine, I don't really care. It is a perfectly normal part…
This is where you are completely wrong. It is the exact same thing. The two are just different ways to monetize the game. That sub went to all the time spent collecting tier 367 gear. You may have 'bought' a 'ship,' but guess what, you don't 'own' that 'ship' any more than a WoW player 'owns' their tier gear or…
In your opinion. In my opinion, you're silly for buying and playing an MMO and not expecting standard MMO progression rules to apply. You're also silly for thinking people don't pay real money for their raid gear in WoW. Where do you think that sub goes? Same thing, just different purchasing scheme. You've gotten lucky so…
But, you as a player made the choice to throw real money at it... the Wow comparison still stands. real sub money and expansion pack money went into that tier gear, and its abandoned every expac. Same thing here, just different spending model.
To be fair, that comparison is a bit disjointed, as the Cylons' plan was to wipe out humanity. Ostensibly the devs' plan is to provide content to the players. ...but maybe your metaphor is spot on...who knows with these guys...
I think this is silly. People put a lot of effort into their Heroic raid gear in WoW, yet with each expansion they gleefully leave that work behind and plunge into the next 10 levels of content, quest greens and all. I think it IS time for a reset! Leave behind all the madness and start fresh with a new, unabashedly more…
Is this going to be acknowledged as a bug and placed in the known issues list? It IS an issue, and it IS known (JamzJamz posted about it on twitter). These are amazing new models and they are currently going to waste/unusable.
I would say don't worry about the wing cannon CONSOLE set. The wing cannons themselves are not part of a set. I use them and 2 advanced fleet andorian DHCs because they look good and because, as I wrote above, Im focusing more on photon torp dmg. The energy weapons are there to take down shields. The build doesn't do very…
I really don't agree on that first point. The only reason to buy all three (I did) is for the three consoles or for all three skins. I did it for the skins, because im obssessed with looks customization. If you aren't, just get 1 ( recommending the charal). I don't use any of the universal consoles from the ships because…
While I agree with you on a revamp to tac skills, I think tac skills are in a good place when compared to science skills. Sci skills get first dibs on a revamp I think. Unless they do a whole boff system revamp. Anyway, FAW spamming cruiser may put out a lot of DPS, but a lot of it isn't meaningful DPS in a lot of…
I just last night put together a build using the Dyson Experimental Tech 2p set (the gravimetric photon torp and the console) on a charal (to me the charal and the kyzhon are effectively the same ship). With the 6th space splot, you run 3 attack pattern doffs and 3 projectile weapon doffs. 2 photons up front (regular kind)…
Well, you aren't using 100% uptime on powers, when downtime occurs, the chain resets and your percentage goes up. Also, your probability theory is a bit off. I have around a 92% chance, during each cycle, for the cooldown to be reduced to global. That is so high that it almost always happens. I very rarely have the proc…
Wasn't it designed by the Romulans before clonepicard took over and used it as his flagship? Or am I wrong.... ...Either way, it IS butt ugly. Rommie designs should look elegant and imperial!
If I looked I could probably find something, or make something. Honestly I haven't spent a lot of time in STO recently, just enough to get my daily Dyson rep commendation. I haven't even leveled Bukara rep past stage 2! I think setting up the foundry mission should be not-so-hard (for single target, a bit trickier for AoE:…
I am seeing a whole LOT of confusion in this thread about what is being measured and what we are TRYING to measure. What we are TRYING to measure is relative strength of a build with respect to doing damage. Normally DPS meters measure DPS while DPSing. This is what we physics/engineering people would probably call…
This carrier is heavy engineering, both in boffs and in consoles. It doesn't have a chance at really dealing damage. It doesn't have the heavy science seating to do some epic CC, so what does it do? Tank, maybe? That seeeeems to be what some of its abilities are geared towards. So we will use some threat consoles, tank it…
The fleet version shield mod is 1.21 and the hull is perfectly adequate in the cruiser range. What are you smoking? If an avenger gets roasted by an excel, the avenger captain was very very bad.
One exception might be a ship designed such that each weapon type has its OWN hardpoint. Like, say....the Avenger. Its got four big cannons, for DHCs, DCs, and quads, in the middle its got 3 small hardpoints for......who knows? the turret doesn't appear to use it, and the DBB doesn't. What else are they there for????