Well they managed to introduce the connection issues the patch notes said the extended downtime was supposed to cure. Bravo! P.S. Cryptic, you doing things in reverse.....
@pwlaughingtrendy, is it too much to ask that the Release Notes actually get posted *IN* the Release Notes forum before the patch is done? If a scheduled downtime is purely hardware related or even just a server restart I get not posting in the Release Notes forum. I dislike having to play hide and seek for information…
Really? it failed to last enough for me to get to the point were I got dumped from from the PREVIOUS server crash. Cryptic should have an general idea of what's causing it by now, disable whatever TRIBBLE it is and bring the servers back up, if it takes time, then take the damm time and stop treating the servers like a…
Check your video settings, some folks were saying the all blackness issue went away by switching to Direct x 11. I didn't have any issue with it, some do, some don't, looks like luck of the hardware/drivers draw.
Just because the Season 8.5 is live, doesn't mean the servers are, judging by the lack of purple warning messages it wasn't a planned or controlled shutdown. Shrugs, think it's time to do something else, more snow to deal with if nothing else.
It's annoying to have daily 100+ meg patches COUPLED with an extremely SLOW patch server. No it's not my internet connection, it's going at normal speed for everything else, it's just these daily post LoR patches that are glacial. Looks like I received 90 megs or so of data patching 135 megs of files today.
I am having problems buying some items from the Holiday Item Vendor. Specifically I cannot buy either snowball gun, I have every required input for the purchase (and it shows that I do). I select the item, hit the Buy button and then hit the Ok button when it wants me to confirm I want to buy 'Avalanche' or 'Flurry'. I was…
I've built a LOT of my Fleets Starbase so far, they got a bit done before I started working on it and there's been some contributions since but my main currently has a Million Fleet Credits right now.... He's earned more but that's what I have... In regards to the Peregrine hangers, they are the ones you buy at the ESD…
Have you tried flying to the Transwarp Gateway rather than just hitting 'Return to sector'? To have more than a single destination from the Fleet Starbase Gateway you need unlock them thru progress on the Starbase... Being in a small fleet we've only got Vulcan as a destination available from the gateway but it lists…
As mentioned by other posters, somebody is going to have the downtime in a less than favorable timeframe. At least one of the other posters speculated I'm sure that part of the reason for their specific timings is likely to have 'regular' work day time available to fix truly disastrous botched patch jobs. I've played other…