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trillscientist Arc User



  • While I understand the reasoning I still think you should have waited until you had introduced the buffs/new ways of gaining dilithium and THEN you could have hit us with the nerf. Maybe even introduce both at the same time. That said - an apology AND an extension of a dilithium event in one post? Holy ***, did satan just…
  • So all projects you no longer can use catalysts on? Please consider reverting this change in an emergency patch - putting catalysts in those projects doesn't benefit the players (so usually would be defined as "working as intended" and left alone). If players want to waste catalysts on projects without any benefit - no…
  • At this point they really should extend the event by a week. They won't fix this bug during the weekend. So the earliest they can fix it is monday, which would mean a tuesday patch. And that means they will wait until thursday to implement the fix. If you are unlucky you get the same quest every day until then and cannont…
  • The version with Bajor (Space) CANNOT BE COMPLETED!!! Bajor gound is NOT working as an alternative!
  • Somebody has to generate that dilithium for others to buy. Unless you think Cryptic is actually generating dilithium for the exchange and manipulating the in-game economy. Or doing so more directly than the obvious indirect ways (frequency of key sales, dil weekends, ability to store and generate marks...). An even better…
  • My post is not a joke, it's a prophecy. So I can come back in a few months and say "See, I told you so!".
  • Lots of fun ideas for monetization. Here is mine: Purchaseable Specialization Points - 500 Zen per Spec Point. Useable on a level 60 char. I am quite sure that this has been their plan for a while. Because then the XP nerfs make a lot more sense.
  • Actually I would recommend the (almost) opposite. If you like the game enough after the first 10-19 levels I recommend getting a single 1-month subscription. The first 19 levels should be enough to decide if you like the game enough to invest (a tiny amount of money) in it. If you are lucky you can get an old boxed copy…
  • stability updates = "We run Windows Update and reboot the servers."
  • Actually the bug only occurs if you convert full stacks (100 materials). If you convert 99 (or less) the conversion packages auto-open and deposit the new materials in your R&D inventory.
  • I have the same problem with my fleet MVAE, it appears the nacelle defaults to its "deployed" position when the ship is not separated. As soon as I hit one of the separations it extends out further, floating in space above my ship! I don't know if there is an additional problem during animations (warp in/out), for me this…
  • Yes, Steam considers you "in game" if you have the launcher started. At least for STO Steam also considers you "in game" if you are actually playing the game. There are games on Steam where this is not working correctly and you appear "not in game" after you have started a game through its launcher.
  • Currently the shotgun from the mirror event and the 116B rifle are the best weapons against borg. Physical damage + shield bypass = adaptation? what adaptation? + lots of dead borg :D
  • AFAIK the system only counts the number of hits, and not the damage. So a weapon that hits multiple targets (pulsewave) needs to be remodulated more often. A weapon that does very little damage but has a high firing rate needs to be remodulated more often than a weapon that does high damage on a longer cooldown. All…
  • Federation T6 Escort "Phantom Intel Escort", Tier 5 Mastery Trait. Unce you unlock it on that ship you can use it on all ships.
  • @OP: By "gather intelligence" I assume you mean the objective during some of the patrol missions in delta quadrant? The ones where you need to visit 3 or 4 systems plus "gather intelligence"? That objective to "gather intelligence" has a sub-objective: "Speak to Subcommander Rai Sahen". And there should be a button to…
  • The real problem with advanced pugs are the fail conditions (aka the old optionals). In the old system you could get a really bad group or 3 people AFKing or a troll causing you to fail the optional. But you could still complete the STF and get your marks/processors. In the current system it is far too easy for trolls to…
  • My bet would be that it is simply corporate policy to keep stalling for a while. Somebody who is NOT innocent couldn't afford a closer look at his transactions. So they will briefly pester support, hoping that Steam might give in to make him go away. That person wouldn't actually want them to take a closer look at his…
  • How about a (somewhat) realistic wish for the next summer event? Run multiple events at the same time, around the clock, so we can choose our favourite way to grind favors. Other ideas: A timed (non-PVP) version of the surfing race for grinding favors. A repeatable version of the floater event for grinding favors. A…
  • I think whatever calculation was done to get NPC health to scale up was also used for pet scaling. So when they reduced NPC health (by adjusting their scaling mechanism) they also adjusted the pets. However there are still some situations where the overblown scaling of pets is still in effect. Private PVP maps and lvl60…
  • Try contacting the BBB for advice, they have way more experience handing "reluctant" customer support. To me it sounds like they are still giving you the runaround, playing for time. Don't let them. Keep at it, keep writing messages, but always remain polite. Sooner or later an actual human being will really look at your…
  • Actually Star Trek (and STO) is huge in Germany. Last time someone from Cryptic was at a german convention they couldn't believe their eyes how many people were at the meet&greet and how organized they were (fleet shirts...). I do think you are right about the whole "padding the numbers" thing - it got people to log in who…
  • True, Fleet SB might be quicker. I just keep forgetting that we have that security guy there... On the other hand, the fleet system is usually really slow to load, whereas ESD loads in about 2 seconds. And the NPC is on the same floor as the transporter on ESD, but on a different floor on the Fleet Starbase. Of course the…
  • How about adding a fifth pack to giveaway, for the extra 500 viewers required this week? Just to keep the chance at 1:500? Much easier to calculate...
  • I wouldn't waste money on any ships right now, especially not on a Guramba. It IS a nice ship. However it is also quite similar (from a gameplay mechanics viewpoint) to the veteran ship you already have. A ship that can be upgraded to a 10 console fleet version. Of course the special abilities take up a console slot on the…
  • Considering how well the various "giveaways" went during the last few livestreams, any chance that you could actually CHECK THE CODES in advance this time? Just so you know what you are actually giving away...
  • I upgraded some consoles on tribble the other day. I started out with MK X purple, and upgraded with Improved Upgrade Packs (cheap and easy to craft, dil is not a concern on tribble). The chance to get a quality upgrade stayed below 1% until I got to MK XIII, when it suddenly jumped to 4%. I will continue testing to see if…
  • #DeltaRising Is it enough to do this here, or do we have to do it on twitter/fb/whatever to win?
  • As "Community Management Specialist" Trendy really should know better than to LIE to the playerbase and try to shift blame to the playerbase. Even if she got ordered to do so. Because the end result is that what could have been some nice PR for the game turned into some really ****ty PR for the game. Let's reiterate the…
  • See, that screenshot you posted is exactly why some people are pissed at Trendy. Yes, Smirk and Trendy were given false information (or the information/code got changed after it was handed to them). Smirk said several times during the livestream that the RMC code was for an account wide unlock. Of course at that time…