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tribbleorlfl Arc User



  • I've been out of the game for nearly 2 months due to computer troubles and family responsibilities, so I apologize if this has been answered: if we had achieved all tiers under the prior crafting system, do we have to start from scratch under the new one? Is there any kind of conversion for the old particle traces and…
  • More non-combat additions that enrichen the experience and universe. Things like exploration revamps, more science/engineering mini games, chess/poker/tongo/pareses squares. Combat-wise, I want to see a revamp to mines, make them more relevant in-game to diversify builds. Maybe a minelayer ship to accompany the revamp.
  • Bummer, I was hoping this was going to be a serious discussion of new ship types, not the usual "I want your stuff" thread. I say this as a primary FED player, I don't want us getting ahold of a battle cloak. Each faction should have unique skills, traits and game play. Otherwise, what's the point? On what I thought was…
  • Yeah, I've wanted the longer jacket w/ cuff stripes and the "outline" com badge for a long time.
  • Has anyone tried the hover boards yet? If so, how are the mechanics compared to the floaters. For some reason, I just couldn't get the hang of them to earn any pearls. Gave up on all Risen content after a couple days of futility.
  • Neat! Now, how can I get that Alternate Future com badge?
  • Thanks, missed that part of the blog post.
  • While it's not exactly what you're asking for, Boff's CAN wear MACO and Omega uni's as long as the armor is equipped (might be the whole set, actually). While we're at it, though, it'd be great if we could change unis for opposite faction commendation boff's, embassy romulans and others, as well.
  • Actually, I was just going to ask about this. I bought the CE about 2 years ago, which unlocked the 1 month Gold account and additional bank/inventory slots on my Fed toon. Fast forward to S7, I create my ROM toon and a KDF toon only to find they don't have the expanded slots. I thought the unlock was account-wide, not…
  • I use the 2 PC Romulan set w/ an Elite Fleet shield. While I agree with the other posters the deflector and engine stats aren't setting the world on fire, in my build (super tanky FHEC w/ Omega and Hyper ROM torps), the 2 PC bonus is indespensible. I'm generally pretty competitive in PvP and near immortal in PvE w/ that…
  • This discussion pops up every couple of months, and I always post similar comments. I get why the devs have dim returns on armor consoles, it does no good for game balance or enjoyability to have a bunch of perfect tanks running around (besides it's just not canon to have indestructible ships). However, I simply don't…
  • The art book included in the collector's edition includes just that: a Mk by Mk progression of the various energy and weapon types. It's the artwork, though, so it might not exactly match the game models. Furthermore, it stopped at Mk X or XI, as Mk XII came later.
  • Hugh, Orum (and all of the other male ex-borg from the Voy episode "Unity") and Icheb say "hi."
  • I don't know if anyone's suggested, but you can always do what our fleet does: set up fleet ranks w/ varying degrees of access to the bank and fleet provisioning. Then, tie the fleet ranks to fleet credits earned. Sure, the FM and expertise will continue to be filled first, but if members want to access the shinies, they…
  • Liberated Romulan Sci boff, of course. Only really useful choice on the list w/ its efficient trait, and for the rp Romulan captain, necessary in order to get another purple quality Romulan boff on your crew. However, if the Photonic tac can be updated w/ Romulan visuals, I'll change my vote.
  • I've heard the play gambling concerns before, but frankly I think they're much ado about nothing. If play gambling was such a concern, we wouldn't have Dabo or lockboxes in the game. Sure, dabo isn't a real game and poker is, but there have been computer versions of poker, slots and other table games as long as there have…
  • I actually noticed that last night. I haven't been playing much since my daughter was born in Jan, mostly 15 minutes here and there. Last night, I actually had some extended time and wanted to run some quick stf's to fill out my film refining cap, but was shocked how long it took to find a team to run. I think it was…
  • Well, even though I had both uniforms and couldn't get the KDF ships in time (I created a KDF toon months ago but never bothered to level him up), I still don't have much room to complain. The fact they chose to give paid content away for free is great and shows Cryptic does care about their customers. That being said, I…
  • My idea uses the VOY episode "Deadlock" for its inspiration. In that episode, Voyager was being rocked by Proton bursts that were weakening the Structural Integrity Field and causing major physical damage by a duplicate Voyager. SCI Console - Proton Burst Emitter Clickable Power. 30 second duration, 2 minute CD. Releases 6…
  • To be honest, you can't go wrong w/ MACO. Good, strong shield and the stacking power bonuses means you never really have to worry about losing power. That being said, elite fleet shields are just as strong, and you pick up the stacking energy resistance. I guess the better question is if you go MACO shields, will you get…
  • Yeah, with the Oddy uniform I know there's at least a belt and com badge that has been seen in promotional images, but at present is not available by any means. I suspect as more fleets start maxing their sb's, we'll start seeing more projects and features open up. There are only so many limited time special projects they…
  • Definitely want to see more away team uniforms, primarily the DS9 desert hooded robes.
  • I personally thought it was working as intended in combat zones. Ratchet & Clank has basically the same exact "weapon.". Honestly, without combat applicability, what's the point?
  • Is there going to be a dev blog post today with details and stats for the various rewards (warp cores, consoles, costumes, etc) available through this fleet holding? I know someone posted screenshots from tribble, but for some reason I can't open "tweetpics."
  • Yeah, I pointed that out in the LoR "Consolidated Bugs" thread last week. I suspect they intended the two SCI doff slots to grant blue quality success w/ Warp Theorists, which are Sci doffs.
  • To add to the list: 1) Cross-factional Boffs beam in/out w/ the color and effect of those factions, not that of your own crew/faction. It's very annoying my Reman Sci from the FE and Rom Tac from the Embassy beam w/ green Rommie effect and my Orion from earning T4 Ambassador in Doff system beams w/ KDF red. It's bad enough…
  • Yeah, I was going to post that Dept Heads are screwy. Your selections seem to change every time you travel to another sector, or beam down to a ground Mao. Quite annoying for a doffer like me, it's very annoying. Don't know what in LoR broke this.
  • What drove me crazy last night, after waiting an hour following the maintenance to get in (I was stuck at just over 1,000 for at least half that time), it put me back in the wait queue when I changed characters.
  • You took the words right out of my mouth.
  • You're right, for some reason I had it in my head it was noon est.