I submitted a report from both my characters, as they are now screwed! Edit: looking at the Gateway my characters are still preserved (or it just hasn't updated yet) so maybe there is hope!
Yep happened to me too, I hope it gets fixed before Dec 5th coz I want to have a go at getting the new ship... and maybe play some of the FE series too that I missed out on before. But I'm not going to while I have no ground character!
Is there a work-around to get my model back? It's effected both my characters (My Science one flying the Nebula Class made it really difficult to get around ESD because of NPC's and the hit box). The character models are now missing from my character select screen too! So I don't know what to do, but I won't be playing…
It was me going to the tailor, it didn't help. (I'm not the odessy though I'm in an Advanced Escort) Not only did it not help, all my uniforms have been lost (Boffs are fine), So using my Boff's as a template I tried to recreate my character, I don't know if the EC was spent but upon hitting purchase and going back to the…
I have found that there is a Bird of Prey glitched into an asteroid that (I'm guessing) is part of the first wave. I can't find any way of damaging it because my weapons won't fire on it. My guess is we can't increase the counter till we take out this glitched Bird of Prey!
I have a theme for my names (and a method for making NCC numbers but I won't go into that). Currently I'm running through as a Tactical Officer, my current ship is the USS Nimble. All my ship names for this character (from this ship onward) are taken from Traits from Vampire: The Masquerade Laws of the Night. Because I'm…