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  • Ahoy! Well shave me belly with a rusty razor! I hear some romours about that thar will be more people come to fight soon? can this here be true? this here be not a jest? will there be rum? 'ow about loot? wenches? RC01 ye skallywag! Ye still be sailin yer rustbucket and pointing yer fiddlestick at folks in kerrat? How be…
  • Hah! You all be failin! I can TRIBBLE longer than any of yous anyways! That being said, its fun to see how much the insecurity of their own skill with this game, and even other games, that makes some people in need of boasting and posting on forums about this and that to make them feel better about themselves. Keep up the…
  • I tested and did 70-80k hits with SS2 on my faeth without investing anything "into" it. Equipped what i had available. Also this was before the recent mk14 dmg buff to weapons.. fully tweaked and buffed with all gear gold mk 14 i wouldnt be surpriced that this would go up to the range of 120-140k hits with cannon surgical…
  • Surgical strikes "can" be "countered" by stacking shield resistances + hull resistances to an insane degree. But to do this you would have to sacrifice alot of firepower. But you have to keep that healing cycle with the buffs going and those cycles always has loopholes that a seasoned veteran could easily make an exploit…
  • It's a dying breed though.....if something doesnt change within a few months, there wont be much left of pvp in this game.... I mean.. i was hooked.. logged in several times a day to earn my keep to be able to compete in PVP... now i don't log in anymore... kinda sad.. cause pvp in this game used to be fun...
  • mmmmm piee..... gieef me some o' dat 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 goodness!
  • As a Romulan KDF I am and would be limited to only use the Faeth to take part of the cheezefest.. meaning i would had to play a vaper/escort to exploit it.. sure i have tried it cause i wanted the shiptrait.. but i must admit.. i felt dirty afterwards.. It just wasnt right being able to hit peope with 70-80k crits from…
  • A rollback would be to extreme.. we are way past that im affraid... But actually perhaps focus on fixing the most vital mechanics that ruins the game for most. should be easy quick-wins for them.... 1. Add a 1min cooldown to viral torpedo - Seriously the cooldown now is what.. like 20sec? Meaning that every 20 seconds you…
  • Yarrharrharrr Are ye for realsies matey?! You should challenge Diuz to a 1v1.... but you will never do this.. And we both know why......:) oh the agony of reality must be horrible for you my friend?
  • So.. noone has noticed the same thing? Or are you affraid that this will be fixed if the devs take notice? Understandable its fun for people using this skill, but imo there should not be a skill that makes both rapid fire and beam overload obsolete to such a degree that they almost become useless in comparison.....
  • I made a post about this.. from what im seeing testing surgical strike, is that it buffs your basedamage by appr. 2.7times... allthough i cant see in its tooltip that it should do anything with your base damage at all.. as i understand the tooltip, it should only add a buff to accuracy and critical chance. And to the OP.…
  • This is where this whole pvp/STO thing becomes so sad... because PVP in STO can be so much fun.... Play against people with the same experience and about the same gear, on somewhat equal footing.. PVP is more fun than anything else to be had in this game.. imo atleast. Ok, so i get that 90% or much more likely more than…
  • I don't think cryptic even realise what kind of potential for income they have if they would give some attention towards pvp... There are still some active people that plays pvp, but there are even more inactive players that used to pvp, that browses the forums every day, to check if something has changed... the reason is…
  • Check the screenshot i posted earlyer.. there was a player with us in that duel, which wanted to see our battle. That same person is confirming everything i say to be the truth... :) Yeah i remember everything very well thank you. And yes you where naggingly talking about not going to use fbp, even if i said that you can…
  • I told u to use anything u wanted. I never told u to hold back. But i did kill you even if you used fbp and the voth shield. Btw it was the voth shield that killed me. Not fbp cause i had no sense of timing from being tired fighting decent players all evening that day. And im not scared of you. And i wouldn't care one way…
  • I also told her or him... why must there be such gender bending difficulties with this person? Well my words were something like use whatever cheeze you can bring forth... so what he said in his earlyer post is just some self eluded sense of justice.. heck i even encouraged him to use fbp... but yeah... i did die not cause…
  • Yeah, you really really don't wanna mess with Scora. Apparently he/she have 4 ways of reflecting damage effieciently, and is the best 1 vs 1 player in sto.. she can beat anyone... well except for the ones on her/his ignore list. Usually people that actually don't exist.. so watch it.. because if you are "lucky" enough to…
  • You know the most silly part of everything with that video.. is that your oponent isn't using the full potential of the skill at all, but still manages to do massive ammounts of dmg.. and as you can see in the video your oponent basicly just spams everthing at you.. and can keep the pressure going because of the cooldowns…
  • Yeah, almost the same thing against me, claimed to be the best.. outcome: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw5uZx5pQbMCZFJod253eTZkaEE/view?usp=sharing fyi: yes i died 3 times. but sorry to say, i did not have the best day that day, messed up alot of timing.
  • Actually yes. That is what people that used to be online on my friendslist are saying... and actually yes.. i do agree with them. And the truth is still that 5/6 of the people that i used to have alot of fun with and was online on a daily basis are not there anymore.. and most of these people have already maxed out…
  • In DR some of the skills and items are so silly that most people just needs to equip the skill or item without even considdering anything else but using the new "stuffs". And by doing this you can already have the upperhand... In earlyer powercreeps you needed to put atleast somewhat of an effort into your build and at the…
  • The difference is that for any of the other updates that people have had to adapt to in the last couple of years, the new item/skill/doff always demanded that you had the right setup and had to sacrifice something to be able to make it work well. And also alot of the time you needed to practice and learn how to fly your…
  • My problem with the whole thing is that they have made it so that you need to either become part of the cheeze, or create builds spesificly made to counter the cheeze, and with this it limits the diversity that made this game fun for me. Atm i see no no point in gathering resources, i already have all the items and ships i…
  • This is essentially my problem as well.. you are being forced to change your playingstyle and builds towards either countering the new "cheeze" or becomming apart of it. Removing diversity in a game that was fun *because* of the diversity is whats put the last nail in the coffin for me.
  • Strange. vivid timing as well.. short while after DR is released, pvp is nothing but a smoldering pit of ashes.... Saying that HOBO's was the cause for people to stop pvp is utterly silly. Before DR i remember we used to have 2-3 zones in ker'rat filled with people. Almost every time i entered ker'rat i ended up with a…
  • Where's the "like" button? Because even though Dius basicly spoke without holding back... i have to agree... There used to be a certain degree of balance and diversity in the game... but now its just plain silly... for me it took out the joy of playing.. Just to test I equipped my Faeth with elachi dhc crdx4 and focused…
  • Well, they severly reduced the exp rewards now, so this shouldn't be an issue for *any* zone atm.. :)
  • I'm still curious of why they dont fix bugs like KDF romulans can't train their bridge officers using character.. or why not create a level 60 warzone equal or the same as ker'rat for the people that likes to pvp... Don't get me wrong, i have been milking the exchange marked like mad since the release, but i miss being…