The token you are referring I believe you receive when you hit level 50 on a character however to my knowledge it is not retroactive so any characters at or above 50 don't receive it. Khan uniform should be in the tailor. Source: Self been a LTS for a few years now.
You're trying to turn STO into a hardcore RPG. So I'm against it. I'm a huge Mass Effect Fan but those systems you brought up just wouldn't work for STO without completely changing the game.
I never saw any thing about conversion but yes they are worthless now. Any Character that has T5 on any rep means for that rep across the account you got the sponsorship bonus. As far as titles I wouldn't hold your breath since very few people actually care about them Cryptic won't be wasting developer time to fix that if…
I wouldn't pick Romulans because i'm not a huge fan of their ships and how the singularity cores work compared to standard warp cores. This leaves the Klinks and Dominion. Now both of them don't have a lot of unique content so it comes down to personal preference as far as I'm concerned. The dominion are my second favorite…
If you're referring to starbase one as the 0 mastery missions there was a bug they fixed in one of the last patches where the disco klink ships weren't giving XP they now do and I think Starbase one is currently on advanced the best way to grind out ship mastery. I was leveling faster then argala.
Now that they fixed the bugs with Starbase one in terms of it breaking and now those Klingon ships give XP. Since there's a lot of ships I noticed on my Disco alt I leveled up my Arbiter for example extremely quickly. On advanced difficulty especially since lack of cool down or like a 5 minute cooldown I think its faster…
Best ship in STO in my opinion is definitely the T6 JHDC with the Elite JHAS frigates. With the right traits and ship gear its invincible in content up to advanced and can deal a huge amount of damage and the JHASs do a whole lot of damage themselves and are one of the few frigates that actually do what the should in terms…
For a while at least your best bet is the Vanguard Carrier its the most science of the released vessels. It'll be a while until they add a true science vessel for the Jem'Hadar with like a secondary deflector.
The Zen Jem'Hadar space trait is just the ground trait but in space so buffs to I think crit chance and something else. The boffs that come in the pack have the same space traits.
To be fair Danube is trash and I don't think its considered a frigate. The only frigates FED has that aren't locked behind a lockbox ship are the Callistos.
My understanding from livestreams and what others have said is that There are 6 mastery levels once you complete all 6 you can claim that ship on your other characters. That's also how it reads very clearly.
Yeah Phoenix Packs are very finicky. Last time I spent 2 million dilithium and I only got 1 ultra rare token. This time around I only had my 500 zen stipend and was able to get 32 packs with it. My tenth pack was a Epic token. They odds are just really stupid and annoying however they are still worth it for the upgrades…
Or whoever decided to run a phoenix prize pack event. The only Dilithium I had available was from my monthly stipend and I could only get 32 packs. On my tenth pack I got an Epic Token my first epic token and with it I got 2x Ultra rare and I'm now able to give my upcoming Jem'Hadar Character a T6 JHDC with Frigate pets.…
Oh don't even get me started on frigate unlocks. I have had a JHDC for years and just recently got a JHAS to get the frigates for it. In my opinion its the stupidest decision that they have made in this game is to lock some frigates behind owning the ship.
I feel like it would be the ultimate morale boost for the Klingons to have Kahless come back and fight THE enemy of the Empire. I liked cloned kahless so it would also be fun if they brought him back
I wonder how random the stuff is going to be or if fit is going to be as noted earlier just red alerts until a big fight. Hopefully the attack of the founder homeworld is a large fight as well as it would be disappointing if it was too easy. Maybe like each system in the Quadrant that's on the sector map has its own Hurq…
What are the options on your poll. I feel like it should be a yes or no and you have some sort of dialog. I can't really seem them brining that EMH as a BOFF since they didn't bring the Doc from Voyager as one. The only hologram BOFFs I know of are the TOS event ones from conventions.
To clarify are you saying you have cobalt torps as your forward weapons? That is a mistake unless you do a very specific build. even then you can't have the highest DPS. I would recommend a traditional beam build with BFAW.
The only way to fix it to my knowledge is to have someone who can promote to leader promote your leader back. Other than that i'm not sure if you can fix.
A lot of people have trouble when first facing the Jem'Hadar so basically best recommendation is to make sure your ship gear is as good as you can get. Since your an escort I would recommend using your speed to your advantage when dealing with the artillery ships. Outside of that there aren't really any tactics besides…
Is it really even pay to win when's there's no real PVP anymore? I mean the overwhelming majority of the player base only fights AI in PvE. Also as has been stated earlier its not like the Vanguard Jemmies are going to be game breaking and have like +100% crit chance and +500% crit severity with +1000% percent accuracy.…
I don't think it will. Like A green Mk 13 that already exists in the game is not better then an Epic Mk 13 or MK 14. They are adding MK 15 but Green MK 15 won't surpass Epic MK 14.
That would be really interesting. Coupled with the Vanguard Jem'Hadar species I wonder if that could be a new thing as well. This is a pipe dream but what if Vanguard is a new class like a new Tac or Engi. More realistically it's a new spec tree.
Apparently a large part of this expansion is going to be some sort of new game mode that takes places in the Gamma Quadrant no details other then it exists. So that'll be fun to play hopefully. Still so happy they finally added in the Jem'Hadar
The stats are not out yet and there's no real pre-order bonus like you're not getting anything extra if you get the pack now instead of getting it when it comes out.