This is definitely true, and kind of sad to be honest. It's a case the player base has always gone DPS centric as STF's started the trend whereby we have to DPS things to death due to optionals. The challenge is of course to give us a reason to tank...
Just for the record that's a bit disappointing. I genuinely thought and hoped the planet was destroyed, that would have been a really dramatic move in the games story.
So what exactly was this exploit? If you're talking about the fact that you don't like that we were grinding in certain maps then say that please, because I'd imagine that's it. You want us to grind where you'd like, and not where we can spend twenty minutes to level up enough to bypass the content gaps in the new…
Honestly, story - I've not played much at all lately due to the lack of story development, I log in once every month or so to play the latest bits. That said Delta Rising seems to be changing that so fingers crossed. more playing, more money spent.
Tell that to James Tiberius Kirk and the refit constitution class. Just because the intrepid doesn't look different outside doesn't mean it's not undergone internal refils. Think of it this way, Seven & Co.. Built Voyagers astrometrics lab, or at least heavily redesigned it - this appears to have been pushed out fleet wide…
Here's a serious question - what do you use your ship interior for that makes it bother you so much? But yeah, I could see a Risian interior being rather awesome if done.
I can't clmment on the half credit, but the project only takes 5 minutes to complete it let's players get marks quickly rather than waiting for a huge project to fill
I have mixed feelings. When the feature episodes first came around their quality was second to none, it was the pinnacle of STO missions. At the time I'd have given anything for that quality to continue. Then I played the more recent 'show stoppers'. I don't really want to go back.
Let's also just throw out here - how easy is it to get enough Undine marks in the Battlezone? I did one of the Undine queues last night for the first time...I forget it's name, the one with the lanes, I loved it, it was hard, challenging, but doable - will I be doing it again? No. Simply put I spent five minutes in the…
>_< Why I outta.... Anyway, can someone run the spheres by me again? I must confess I'm confused on that story element so far, I've been far more casual in my playing since my baby's birth and I can't really remember what's gone off prior to the new seasons.
Agreed - Traits and Extra costume slots for my buffs would get my hands in my pockets for sure. The thing that annoys me most about changing my captain's slots is that I then have to change all my Boff costumes too.
I can't say I've seen any new texture changes? Have you perhaps turned armour visuals on? Maybe you've changed your graphics settings to something higher/lower than you're used to?
This isn't standard forum etiquette anywhere. Please refrain from spamming multiple threads in the future, one will suffice, the search function exists for a reason. The reason you have different people in each thread (or did...I've now merged them) is people don't post in your shipyard thread, wander over to General…