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What is the Arc Client?
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tkvox Arc User



  • Ok, you want the truth. Well here it is. What your doing by giving us a help your vote is nice, but how about building on the Roddenberry Legacy of what Star Trek stands for. Not your view or opinion but what was set forth before this became a game. Yes its a game that need upkeep... so sure you need an income to continue…
  • Glad you spoke up to the Sto community first, I've been a hard core player of sto for over 3 years. Just one of my toons has logged 136 days. That's the hours added up. I have 14 toons at the moment. So you can see when I say over 3 years its not idle time. You really need to leave the kits alone and do not I say again do…
  • Please stop nurfing things. Just make pvp and pve in 2 different playing fields. When you play the story lines and missions your abilitys are where their intended and when you pvp their scailed for fairness. Im not sure what its called but make 2 zones and separate them.
  • I agree on a few of the ideas, but not the restrictive ones. Half of your ideas are not for the protection of the fleet that was created and you or others joined, but to protect people who have joined and want more stable control of a unified unity. Yes a lot of people/players have been burned and some burned badly from…