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What is the Arc Client?
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thunga42 Arc User



  • This may have been answered, but do yo have a starbase up and running yet?
  • A month on a bug to get fixed is a bit long guys. I understand that when dealing with large/huge/astronomical amounts of code it can get a bit hard to find each problem and fix it when you add or change something. But a month to fix this is a bit long. i know that my fleet, and others have had this holding up their…
  • I would hope that the devs would post something official about what they are doing. Not all of us use twitter and they should communicate on all the social sites about this.
  • atleast you lasted 10 minutes. I cant stay in long enough to change my DOFF missions.
  • While using the word idiot may have been a bit strong, I would have to say that had he only posted with. "Dear sir or maam, I have found that this issue still exists and is causing me some major emotional distress, if you would fix it at your earliest convenience I would be most greatful" he most likely would never have…
  • I will agree that we have been a bit louder then normal today, but I would not say rude. Point out where we were if you do see it sir. We have all done the bug reports, telling them what is wrong, and then we get told that we literally have to take a screen shot, edit it, and then send it in for them to understand it? I…
  • very well put sir or maam
  • thankyou for finding the issue. Would it be possible for you to remove the project from the starbase so that we can get another one up and running. That is after you fix the disconnection issue.
  • I and also my fleet mates are getting disconnected after a minute, maybe two. and then get back in and find the it continuing to happen.
  • I know that the fleet submitted several dozens, if not hundreds, of bug reports on the topic. If they needed more information, perhaps they could have sent a message to one of us, or heck anything, that said they had seen our bug reports. I know the game is Free to play, and that you get what you pay for, but I know…
  • That is not the issue. If we could remove the project, and then start something else, that would be fine. The issue is that it is stuck and we have had it up for over a week. So that is a week's time lost. If someone says they are going to fix something, then it should have been fixed, not made worse. It also seems that…
  • sounds like an interesting group, would anyone be online tonight I could chat with?