1. In-Game @handle: @Thobur_Masgo 2. Career and Ship: TAC Fleet Ha'feh assault warbird 3. Language: English 4. Session you will Participate In: EDT 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of (e.g., deafness, etc.)? We will try our best to make accommodations for you: no 6. Do you need to make up the second…
Anyone have any idea's on a good boff layout for the fleet t'varo? it's the only T5 rom ship I saw with Cmdr tac and a uni boff slot that cn be used as a Lt Cmdr tac. I figure that since warbirds are listed as a new type if ship (excort, cruiser, science, warbird) maybe they play different than the others? Not sure...
I'm also using the fleet T'varo as a tac and I want to maximize my dmg output. I mainly do PVE but I'm not sure what to use for my Boff slots... Fore weapons: 3x advanced fleet plasma DHC's [Dmg]x3 [CrtH], 1x adv fleet plasma torp [Dmg]x3 [CrtH] Aft Weapons: 3x adv fleet plasma turrets [Dmg]x3 [CrtH] Deflector: Adv…