If the reward is something people desire ... *Cough* Mirror Typhoon *Cough* ... people might adjust to the new grind in time. As for this one I'd recommend doing the Royal Flush FTO. That one can be done very quickly.
The map designs were cool. Reminds me of the T'Kon from Star Trek: Resurgence. The story was 'meh' for me. I say we go ask Empress Leeta if she still has all that data from the future so this plot can end ASAP.
You'll never know the horrors of beaming down to New Romulus to be greeted by Obisek and D'tan every time. There were days I felt the Tal Shiar might have been right about the Romulan Republic.
I'm undecided. The console looks nice but visually it looks like a successor to the Envoy Class. I was kind of hoping for something like an Andorian-Nausicaan Raider or a Bajoran-Orion Science thing.
Space wise the Badlands works great for the Terran Empire. Ground ... now ... what about ... Pahvo in the Mirror Universe? We get to play as the Terran Inquisition against those coalition fools! Ground: 'Taris' story mission. Space: Khellian System Patrol - (Destroy the patrols, leave, drop the mission, repeat until you…