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What is the Arc Client?
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  • I'm got life suscription... and supose i´m got preference for log in....but, since yesterday, i got issue when try log in: game client fail... and game no start. So, 2 day not playing. I trying fix the game, force check all game in the begingning, and nothing=same bug. Need any help or clue for play again...will be…
  • I got same problems,since yesterday...canot conect.....client not respont...and stop: log say send report to microsoft, and game no start = bug. No clue why got this issue. I try fixed with force to check all game,when start, but nothing hapening. So no idea what is the problems with the client game. Any help.... will be…
  • I got similar problems. i saw arc update... when try enter sto, crash bugget}} Nombre del evento de problema: APPCRASH Nombre de la aplicaci?n: Star Trek Online.exe Versi?n de la aplicaci?n: 2013.7.30.1747 Marca de tiempo de la aplicaci?n: 51f85eab Nombre del m?dulo con errores: nvdxgiwrap.dll Versi?n del m?dulo con…