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What is the Arc Client?
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temptstormer Arc User



  • Both Alpha and Charlie are used in ship designs already. Saucer sections, or the later cruiser and escort designs. Not many ships have the profile of Echo, thats why I chose it. It may be similar to a movie design, but not in-game yet.
  • Did you save your loadout? I've had blank stations and quick bars before, but having your loadout saved will stop it most of the time. Switching from shuttle to ship and vice versa I'll sometimes have to reload the load out. Also as a habit, I use two quickbars, I set them to 9 and 10, rather than 1 and 2, it tends to…
  • Even when I switched to another Tactical Officer, who had Omega 3 as default ability, the Commander ability was Disperse Beta. Gyah. Is there a way to remove skills from boffs? That way I could delete entirely the Disperse Beta skill, and maybe then, actually get the ability I want in the tray. Additionally, I had another…
  • I'm in the same boat of a problem as him. I commissioned my Breen Tac BOFF, had him learn Attack Omega 3 (He started with Disperse Beta), and assigned him to the Tac position. When I went into tac mode of my Dyson Destroyer, he still had Disperse Beta as his Commander ability. Going to the stations tab, I cannot change the…
  • I'd been away awhile, came back, blitzed the reps, got the Mk12 gear, got the accolade, completed the costume unlock projects and nothing. Every time I go to the tailor and check under every dropdown for head and uniform I see no Omega gear at all. Super buzzkill.