All I want is a "reset" button in the exchange, I'm sure Adm. Janeway can lend you hers. Just make it so it resets all the options on the exchange, so you don't need to waste time setting everything back to default.
Can we figure out some way to get an instance solely for sollvax so innocent players don't have to suffer at the hands of "Code Red" or whatever he's constantly banging on about? I'm sure it would be tricky but you could probably do it with computers.
I'm sure any STF team would miss solivax's contributions if he decides to "Code 5" and sit in the corner. Every team needs a lasersponge. edit: I think a sort of "pulse" of waves being generated in 360 circles would have better coverage.
Precisely what gaming are you doing in Drozana station? There is no reason your gaming should be seen as "more important" than the gaming of others. Everyone is "enjoying Drozana station" in their own way - you are not the judge of the enjoyment of others and frankly I would ask you to check your privilege.
Maybe if you put your settings higher you'd see all the fires those brave men are risking their lives to extinguish. Drozana is a death trap, someone should really contact maintenance.