UNIFORMS.......C Nothing that awes you CRAFTING.......C This is not necessary, it is more like something to do rather than something that is fun. It is like going to work. DOFFs.....D- This is too big and chunky. It's not to user friendly and can be confusing. It takes a lot longer to use them and you have to relearn some…
The only change I'd wish was made was too the star ship viewer screen. When near a planet, it should show a planet or at least make the picture more than some windows 98 screen saver. Just add some nice pictures to there or nebula clouds etc, please.
I completely agree, the bridges need work. It would make the game much more enjoyable than just adding more seasons, if they made bridge duties a bigger part of the season and could even add subtle drama's and dialogue etc. Seeing a planet on the view screen when in a planetary system or seeing space dust when in an area…
I have the same problem, graphical problems after season 9 updates, I hope this gets fixed soon. I know it isn't my laptop considering its fairly new and powerful with a good graphics card.