I was playing Suspect, the second mission in Cardie arc and weapon platforms were spawning in instead of Kheldons, they were using borg sound effects and had one hit kill lances.
I pretty much this has been a complaint since day one. However, this is a video game, not a tv series limited by an fx budget and rdendering time constraints on a computer. The major change I would liek to see in space combat is that instead of every ship exploding in a warp core breach... SHIPS SHOULD BE DISABLED I dont…
You... can't be serious right? If you want a different Lt Commander slot and ensign slot... there's a cruiser that does that, its the Odyssey. For all others they're the different flavor of cruiser.. The Ambassador for sci, The Regent or Excelsior for Tac, and Galaxy / Galaxy X for Engineering. Yes it requires that you…