I disliked it. I hate SF when you get supposedly the best scientists together to do something and they do something that will turn out to be obviously bad that anyone with any scientific knowledge would have seen it coming a mile away. Instead of running simulations over and over again, analyzing every possible consequence…
I have been playing STO for 5 years and I have tons of ships. Ships I have not used for years, that pre-date the DOFF and the Fleet system. I regret none of the purchases. Every one I bought I had some fun in at some point or other. That, for me, is the important point.
I would nominate myself. Former PvP with moderate talent. Build were good before DR but not really updated except for the ship and only 12 spec points.
I really hope Cryptic has another solution for the Iconian war. Just the fact that the Federation is building the thing pisses me off. Genocide is still genocide, however you try to justify it. The problem is that the weapon will still exist after the first time you use it. If the Klingons decide to go on the warpath and…
That's my point. All that you describe really happens after reaching 50. Before that the game is actually more challenging since you got crappy gear and not the best ship and the best episodes are before you reach 50.
If I wanted good ground combat, I would playing other games. STO should be about space, and space has enough problems as it is that I'd prefer the devs concentrate there.
The fact that people don't want their clearly PvP-related threads in the PvP subforums is a perfect reflection of the status of PvP in the game. It's dead.
I play other MMOs, and I have no idea what you're talking about. STO is by far the worst I've seen in terms of rushed development, lack of testing and ignoring any feedback from Tribble testers. They also resell the same ships with a some better stats and a new skin for 30% more money. The Akira they've sold 3 times, 4 if…
Why should they spend money on dev time on a gameplay mode that actually runs counter to their business model? Please tell me how Cryptic could monetize this, because that's the real issue. You can suggest whatever you want but if you can't justify it in Cryptic's business model then whatever you suggest is pure fantasy…
Really, this is getting old. Power creep is what runs STO. That's what Cryptic wants, and that's what the players want. Like this guy: So any suggestion that Cryptic should reverse their business model, going against what the players expect and want, is unrealistic and a total fantasy. If you have a problem with Cryptic's…
Then you have a limited imagination, because I (and others I know) would return to STO and play Rebirth. Why? 1 word, 6 letters: PLAYABLE PVP FTW Endless grind, OP and unbalanced abilities, dilithum and EC sinks... I don't know why you think these are actually good additions to STO...
They could replace the Tribble server by STO Rebirth. That would make a lot of people happy. It's win/win for Cryptic: those who love bugs and lag can stay on Holodeck, those that liked STO before all the junk introduced in game that caused the bugs and lag can play Rebirth.
All the problems you list here Snipey have been going on for years. Before the DPS league became a thing PvP'ers were catching the bugs on Tribble and Cryptic ignored them also when they posted bug reports. I do congratulate you on writing on this ongoing problem so clearly, but the fact is you're not the first to do so…
Personally I hope they never release a T6 Scimitar (which means they will, of course :'( ) They could release the Ha'apax with the Odyssey. It is supposed to be the real Romulan flagship.
Personally I would make the missions in a way that REQUIRES coordination and teamwork to win. And not just DPS so that Grav Well, even if it does not do much damage, is valuable.
I don't know why the OP started this thread because in the 5 years I've played this game this has been the prevalent attitude. Players don't work as teams even when teamed up. Even when I play with fleet mates, people I know and talk with on TS, I have to ask for heals. Even when asked the heals come too late because they…
Totally agree. When I was doing PvP (pre-DR and before the crafting revamp) I would have laughed at someone wanting to do a spike damage science build. Science should be supporting the real damage dealers (Tacs), controlling the battlefield and/or being secondary healers. Anyways my view of PvP is old fashioned, before…
The problem is, they 'get the idea and start to listen' after they put the TRIBBLE in the game, and by the time the next load of stuff is ready they've forgotten what they learned and are deaf again. It's a cycle that's been repeating itself for years: devs put stuff in the game disregarding balance concerns, months after…