First, let my sum up this thread: I am quite amused by all the butthurt going down here. Let's shed our preconceptions and look at what we know about the expansions current development status; it's early. VERY early. They have six out of ten actors confirmed. Yeah, they're counting on the rest, but they don't have them…
Let the rumors of a cash-out begin. The Iconian War is over, you've brought platforms in to bring in extra revenue, now Martok is coming back from the grave and there's a massive sale in the middle of summer? I've never been one to give in to such talk, but even I'm getting paranoid.
This isn't limited to MACO or Omega, or even Temporal Agent Recruits - I finally got the Counter-Command set on one of my Delta Recruits (if you can believe that) but I didn't get the outfit - and I know that the same goes for Dyson as well - I can only assume the Honor Guard unlock is broken too. I really, really want…
I can't see ANY of the temporal rewards on my newest AoY toon, Lille@sylkrode. I'm pretty sure I haven't claimed them all, as I've only just reached level 50 and haven't even completed the Klingon War arc. I claimed all the Delta rewards, but I understand they've fixed this bug. What gives?
Is this thread about the regular DDOS attacks from an individual who on Twitter goes by the handle @NeverWinterGod? If so, I'd like to formally add a token my infuriation. This happened last night, too. The good thing was, it was 8 and I was perfectly okay with an early night. But this is a bit too early.
I'd like to fall back on Neverwinter, but that is going to be down, as well. Well, it looks like I'll have to binge Classic Doctor Who. I'll probably finish Davison at that rate.
Please not that when I wrote my earlier post, there was only one page on this thread, so some of it may not make sense. My point and theory still stand, however. Also, one of the leading theories is that "the Other" is a group or individual consisting of male Iconians. I urge you to play "Blood of Ancients" again and pay…
People seem to be leaning on the Fek'lhri, but if you pay attention to certain clues elsewhere in the game, you find subtle hints that the Fek'lhri we faced in the Klingon story arc were in fact Iconian machinations - some sort of genetically engineered boogieman to occupy the most stalwart fighting force in the known…
It's just this simple; Cryptic needs to stop (or at least take a break from) hiring shiny new voice talents and start putting some of it's allegedly massive profits into getting the game back into fighting shape; starting with bigger, more advanced severs.
I guess I should pop off and do another episode of Mythbusters - I'll probably find that the server was restored 8 minutes after I started, just like a few hours ago. On that note; check it out
Given that they are unlikely to read posts on downtime that is no longer occurring, I am considering starting an ongoing feed on this instability debacle. An ongoing discussion about how idiotic the developers are getting; a running contest for who can put the problem most succinctly and a public ballot begging them to…