It's been working for me for the last several hours. I hope it is working for everyone else too. Thanks to the mods for allowing me to vent. :) Have an enjoyable weekend everyone.
Customer Service 101: Never tell a paying customer to "relax" when services are not being rendered. I'm a 10+ year veteran of STO - thousands spent. I'm also a developer, so I know when things get bad sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. I also make sure my moderators don't say things that just frustrate people…
Me making a $50 purchase to play with over this long weekend and not being able to play due to a series of faulty patches is against my TOS. Just civilly saying. :)
Played last night. Can't get in this morning. Somebody REALLY screwed up that last "patch". I think the Voth suit issue and a few missing ceilings are worth a rollback.
Same here. I my AoY toon finished Commando first, then Temporal now I can't purchase any more. Can anyone say or spell QA? I mean come on guys! How could you miss that? You made a prize for getting multiple specializations filled! AND a time limit to do it!