Deleting the file did nothing for me either. I disabled the "Patch via proxy" from launcher options, and then the download worked fine. Don't know if that will help anyone, but it magically worked for me.
I'm patching via the new posted launcher. I tried all the other launchers and failed, this one is currently working for me. I tried 4 times today before using the new posted launcher that failed. Tried the new one, went straight to the login screen. Just verified my IP has not changed, it's the same as it has been.
After being out several days and using several launchers, after downloading the newest version and trying unsuccessfully for at least 8 hours yesterday, I woke up today to find that I still couldn't log on. Until I used this launcher. Clicked the icon and went right to the login screen. >,> Having said that, despite…
Well, back to the, anyone got a working launcher that they just used and knows that its updated? I'm willing to try anything 5000 times before I dismiss it apparently.
Yeah, when I tried the tracert it just popped up "timed out" over and over, it does that for every website I could think of to type in though. I assume that has something to do with my ISP.
I'm still out. The download and install resulted in more ever-depressing epic fail. I see that there was even a maintenance period that solved nothing. Awesome.
Hey Cryptic guys, Over 8k views now and climbing rapidly. At least stop by and acknowledge the issue. It chaps my TRIBBLE that only users are tossing out ideas and giving updates on their progress. Should be the other way around. It's pretty ghetto that the standard for STO is to bum working launcher files in hopes that…
I tried it a solid 50x, up until earlier today when I started the new DL. It may work at this moment or not. I'd have a huge update once I got in anyway, so I'll just go with the new one once it's done. One note, not sure if it's anything of value or not. When you open up the "pcl" file, it shows errors like this: 120829…
This used to work for me, now it doesn't. Like most others, I've been out since yesterday. I completely uninstalled and am currently DLing the newest version (Original copy was ST.17.20120318a.9). Just hope that that fixes everything.