For anyone still wondering, the cause of this is usually a stack separation issue: if you have a stack of required items that is enough for one item, but not enough for more, then it doesn't always check for other stacks properly. Using up the small stack to under the single item threshold is usually enough to fix this, so…
Another thing to consider is that Visually at least, the Borg in STO Have adapted to Kinetic weapons - by creating Tactical Drones and variants that supplement the adaptive shields with more cybernetic implants, including heavier integral armour Now, I don't actually know if they benefit from increased Kinetic and Physical…
Same problem here for me as well: AMD HD 3200: it's older, but has always managed alright with middling settings. Now, I get No text on anything; Have tried safe mode, Force verify and altering/deleting Gameprefs. None of which has helped. The Game mostly starts now (was CTD-ing at first) but still no text on anything.
also having the same problem; major issues seem to trigger on using left trigger or left bumper, but the result is complete loss of ship control and camera control. I have had the same issue happen intermittently on ground, but it is far less prevalent there. In addition, the same loss of control sometimes just happens…
Nah, needs to be T6 so it can carry the New Starship Trait for it: Cross Polarised Power Relays: Devised in the Face of a Silent enemy, an accidental Crosswiring of Power Relays was found to dramatically increase beam firepower once a means to cope with Plasma Backwash by shunting it into structural integity was Devised:…
I'm also missing my Weapons system synergy Trait; Disappeared from my active Starship Traits, when I went to reslot it, also missing from list. Had dismissed my Manticore when I got the fleet version, so tried reclaiming a Manticore to re-earn the trait; however, on reclaim, it said that Final trait mastery was unlocked…
So, #DeltaRising will be online just as I get back from holiday; suspiciously good timing on Cryptic's part; Having a Delta pack would be handy, but if not...well, we'll see.
My favourite description of the Federation Stereotype? "The Federation are the Jackie Chan of the Star Trek Universe, loudly shouting "I WANT NO TROUBLE!" all the while beating up anyone who gets close with a ladder."
slightly confusing here, because it's a 2 stage process here, due to the fact that purples give two bonus drones what happens is, you have a 20% base chance of getting a bonus drone proc. If that bonus drone procs, you then have a 100% chance of getting another bonus drone. So, if the bonus procs, you always get two bonus…
You can get the romulan split beam pistols and other types (repeater etc) though the dyson sphere store and dyson sphere dilithium store in Dyson Joint command. I don't know if the Dilithium items show up before you've been there, but try under plasma weapons in the dilithium store tab and they may be there. Romulan type…
Only if you paid Zen for the original; free or token ships don't count EG: your Free Star cruiser doesn't count as you acquired it with a token, not Zen. A ship acquired with a 600-day veteran token doesn't count, even though the ships are otherwise zen-store ships, as you acquired it with a token not zen. Basically, the…
Just a thought, but have you got any other equipment that adds a power drain resists, like some of the new Warpcores do? If so, it could be a case of one overriding the other, like what happens with the MACO shield and the Plasmonic leech because they won't stack. no Idea if that could be the case, but it's something to…
I think the command you want is /renderscale # where '#' is a number; 1 is normal; 2 is double, 3 triple and so on. Decimals are accepted. Going above 3 is highly likely to strain the game however and possibly crash it depending on specs. As long as you're not moving and the background isn't busy it should be fine. If you…
More seriously, if Insurrection is to be taken as an indication of How subspace effects produced by subspace weapons behave (keeping in mind that they're banned for being ''unpredictable' as well), Then we can infer that Since the Hobus Supernova event was affected by having a subspace super-bomb thrown into, it'll behave…
Well, they aren't 'pure' plasma weapons: they're Hybrid weapons that incorporate both Plasma and disruptor technology; There's precendent for that: Starfleet had plans for 'Plasma Phasers' as an Anti-Borg weapon, as brought up by Shelby in the 'Best of Both Worlds' I figure the Romulan (republic) plasma (disruptor) hybrid…
I figure he's assuming that STF necessarily means Borg; but what the OP means is STF Styled content in the TOS era, using TOS- appropriate ships. Of course, there's no reason to limit this to TOS. Other periods with appropriate ships could be options; perhaps a whole series of 'Historical Re-Fights' could be made. Example:…
ultimately, we don't know the whys and wherefore of how these timeships have managed to come back to the 25th centurry save that Tholians - who have always had a rep for time and dimensional related shenanigans- are involved somehow. Maybe it was only one ship sent (per faction) but that temporal 'looping' has spun it off…