This is a totally and utterly briliant idea. Not. A friend of mine living on the other side of this globe, and who really enjoy this game, might get some seriouse problems with this. His ISP has some very bad connectivity so he frequently gets thrown out of the game once or twise an hour. How friggin fun will it be for him…
I personally just love Kerrat. Sure, there is spawncamping. thats no fun. All out battle after reset isnt what i call spawncamping though, but either win or lose, i leave the klinks spawn, and I think most of us do, on either side. Sure, I grind in there for whatever might drop at times, but thats just passing time untill…
In the link above, as provided bu Unkoala, it says the patchserver has been down for some 110 minutes. That could very well be the reason all of us has this issue right now, and if that is the case we would have no other option at all but so sit and wait untill the issue is resolved. Personally I will sit back, read some…
There are a couple old threads from way back when people had similar issues. One could go into cmd prompt and do a flushdns thingie and so on. Nothing seems to work in my case though, and didnt apear to help many back in 2007 either, so therefor i conclude that the issue is not on clientside, but serverside. I could be…
I had the "unable to establish connection to Patch Serve. bla bla" 8 times about an hour before the time to update arrived. Now im in the same situation again, as I suspect many others are too, and I do hope this gets resolved soon. Manually download the launcher does not seem to help in this case, atleast not for me…