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stf65 Arc User



  • well, since anyone with a warp ship and a sun to slingshot around can time travel i guess that makes iconians the dumbest advanced race in the game. :D
  • i can't be the only one smelling troll coming off the op at this point. a dev should just scan the op's isp address posted to the forum, run a forum cross reference for the isp, and ban all his or her accounts.
  • the war that started when the borg invaded on my training cruise. the war that led me to fight the klingons and the crazed b'vat. the war that led me into the romulan sector and introduced me to the iconian henchmen. the war against the true way terrorists and mirror universe invaders. the war that took me back to the borg…
  • the ships are how cryptic makes money, unless you want them to start charging you 25 bucks for new missions? without the 'shinies' there's no new content at all. the guys who make the ships are the guys who pay the salaries for the guys who make the missions. besides that, i'm tired of war. i'd be perfectly happy if this…
  • yeah, now you only get ~40 zen a day for 35 minutes work. that losing 10 cents a day is ball busting... not.
  • that's a cute trick, considering this forum doesn't show how many are online.
  • so i go over to the reddit forum and they tell me there are 79 captains online reading the forum within the last 15 minutes. i guess that means there's only 26 reading them here then? :)
  • so you owned a game store that failed, and that makes you an expert on business? every mmo's in direct competition with every other mmo. they're all fighting for the same dollars. 5 and half years in sto's still here. that counts for something. maybe they're too expensive for you, but not every business operates like…
  • so much bitterness. did a sto dev steal your gf and you want revenge on the forum? it has to be something big like that because i can't imagine any sane human getting that worked up over a video game they can choose to not play at any time.
    in Devs! Enough ! Comment by stf65 May 2015
  • i think factions are what people want. they come to the game to play star trek, but everyone wants to play 'their' version of star trek. that means they want to be cardassians, and borg, and romulan, and so on. the more factions the more choices and the more the players can feel like it's their verions of star trek rather…
  • so you're just angry that something new's coming out and you can't get it for free. all of their income comes from ship and lockboxes. they don't charge for missions, or anything else. they can't give those ships abilities away for free and expect to pay their bills. it just doesn't work that way.
    in T6 Pilot Ships Comment by stf65 May 2015
  • actually alien domain and infinite space are both mmos with pve and pvp. infinite space is on hold but the license is still active. cbs isn't stopping anyone from making any type of game. the developer are decising the type of game they want to make, based on how much money they want to put into it. considering it was…
  • and i'm going to try and say it again, since you don't want to think it through. 500 people complaining about something isn't a majority of the players. whether those 500 are complaining on the sto forum, reddit, or doffjobs, it's not a majority of the players. 50k people complaining about it would only be a majority if…
  • swg was replaced by tor because bioware offered lucas a better deal. sto isn't the only trek game. cbs is licensing trek to game companies all the time. since sto has been out they've given licenses for infinite space, alien domain, and timelines. cbs isn't putting all its eggs in 1 basket.
  • i didn't miss the point at all. you link to a thread with 86 posts in it in a thread with 260 posts in it. most of those people could be posting here. but let's say all 350 posts are by different people rather then 60 people, what percentage of the player base is 350 people? if there's 100k players it'd be 1/3 of 1%. if…
  • and so posts the guy with the most posts in the thread. i think that was your 30th out of a 260 post thread. over 10% is all you, baby. :)
  • for there to be a sto 2 cryptic would need a new license from cbs. they can't just make a new game without permission. it wouldn't happen until this license is up; and that's sometime in 2018 from what i've seen said on the forum. so you're looking at an possible sto 2 being 3 years away. cryptic has 3 games using this…
  • did you bother to read where i said those 50 posters are arguing back and forth? it's not 50 against, it's 25/25. in fact a quarter of the posts in this thread are made by just 2 people. big threads don't mean a lot of people have an issue. it's just a lot of words disagreeing with other words.
  • do a forced verify then turn off your computer completely with a restart. if you still can't connect after that turn of four firewall and try again. if still not working try changing your proxy.
  • my speculation is that if cryptic starts working on expansion 3 today it will still be a year away. in a year i could be dead, or married with kids, so i'm not gonna worry about it too much. :)
  • will most of the people playing the game even realize a change was made? nope. there's 250 posts in this thread by 50 people. half of them are mad and the other half are ok with the change; and they just keep arguing back and forth. there's no consensus here. the only truth in gaming is that every time something is changed…
  • sto's a ftp game. it needs to work for people with high end machines and low end, not just for you. if you don't like that, you're free to go and play those other space games you seem to think are better and more realistic.
  • you must work for the media. i've never seen a worst misrepesentation of someone's post in my life. any idiot who read the conversation could see that branflakes was having fun with the idea of geko's post.
  • it's affecting you, not 'people.' i'm not seeing 10 other threads full of people saying it's not working for them too. you could have a glitch in your own system. did you try a forced verify to clean some of the cobwebs?
  • forgot you can buy fleet mods on the exchange. not even much of an issue at all then.
  • it's working for me too. are you trying to claim items from emails directed to another character on your account? afaik if the items are returned to captain billy bob you can claim them with captain jimmy john.
  • basically the above. the navigate only gets you to the star system. you need to move around to find the correct planet around the sun to enter.
  • it took them 5 years to come out with t6. i don't think you['re going to see a 7 for years, especially since they're just starting to release the fleet t6s. there's like a 100 fleet ships they can sell before needing to worry about 7s. as far as the cost to upgrade to fleet t6, 5 bucks is about 2 weeks of grinding…
  • that would interfer with people reading twitter and napping while traveling around.
  • the op already said he owns the t6. he's just trying to decide if he wants to upgrade to the fleet version.