Thanks for that, rahmkota I think there is a 100 day acknowledgement of some sort... a minor % XP boost when playing with a team, and even more when reaching 300 days, etc. I've noticed the flag under some players' status. I was starting to get jealous. ;-)
Errm... what's a 'pug' ? (Sorry, new here, and these forums are full of references and acronyms I'm unfamiliar with.) Can someone point me to a FAQ with all these lingo/references? :-) Ta, muchly and happy Trekking.
This is bound to happen with a franchise born in 1966 with six episodic iterations, as many movies, and gods-know how many producers, creative consultants and writers along the way. If Gene Roddenberry kept (and passed down) the same control as George Lucas did with his creation, perhaps there would have been fewer…
Sorry, I know this isn't about the Anniversary... feel free to move it to another forum. But I noticed a few posters mentioning their wish-lists... Perhaps for the next major update, I'd like to see: (1) Ability to fly / navigate your ship from the bridge, and to see real events/surroundings on the viewscreen. (2) The…