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stevegall Arc User



  • still cant complete it, i saw in another thread that shooting it slowly helps, 20 mins later and only using 1 turret and still doesnt die how can i hope to keep levelling my romulan character if i cant get past this level i could do mirror universe but i really want to keep going with the story too 5 mins later, i go in…
  • yeah same here, i get the first of the enemy waves to 0% health and they dont die also it must only be a problem for some people, i played the open beta until lvl 35 and didnt experience it and ive got a friend playing online right now and he is lvl 30
  • the spheres now using epte doesnt make them harder it makes them annoying, you want to make the spheres harder you make them do what the borg collective would do focus fire on a single target, 5-6 spheres shooting at you and you know your in trouble
  • yeah im not seeing it in my list either and i def got it during yesterdays tour my characters name is carl
  • it doesnt show up for me either but i still have it with purple astrometrics doff my transwarp cooldown id 4 mins where it was 7 before completing the full tour this morning
  • ok maybe its a little different than what i posted originally, it seems i can only delete messages from myself, i just sold something on the exchange and i cant delete that message either the messages i was able to delete earlier were from myself as a test
  • well you have to "register" it within the system(new system that doesnt know if your t5 btw) that you are infact t5 rom think of it like this, you join a match for an stf and you odnt know someone is covering the right gate in khitomer unless someone tells you that they are covering it
  • yeah i just turned in 50 rom marks for dil and it popped up at the side that it unlocked
  • branflakes just posted on twitter about gold member not having an extra slot im not gold and i have an extra slot so maybe thats the problem with everyone here?
  • coming as in at launch or coming in the next updates or......
  • its not that us in the uk dont know we have vat, its that all the prices here as a general rule have vat already added to them so the customers know exactly what they are paying
  • i was almost certain that it said in the warp core dev blog about fleet warp cores being available at launch but now i see no mention of it
  • is there anyway we can turn off pre patching, ive got tribble downloaded already and i patch it almost every day and still it patches every time i load the game up and turn it off
  • the timer on quantum absorption shows correctly on the activation button but not on the hud above the shield and hull display it showed as 60 seconds above the shield/hull display when it only lasted 20-30 seconds i was using 5 charges so idk what the correct timers are/were
  • all my weapons power levels on my new lvl 10 ship are screwed up, the only one thats displaying correctly is weapons power at 85/85, the others are displaying as 60/65 20/25 and 20/25 all showing in system space oh and kudos on the dhelan warbird, it looks crazy
  • the bomb that beams in to the conference room in the mission "turning point" was invisible