Im not really sure I understand this "power creep" everyone has been talking about. My main toon is finished with all existing rep. Since he is finished he can no longer get any more benefits than he already has from the rep system. All I can do now to increase his dps potential, for example, is get different weapons and…
Heck they finally seem to have the login problem fixed and I still cant play cause they cant seem to figure out how big of a server they need to host the number of players they have. I'm 1800 out of 19000 in queue.. Beggining to wonder what the point of being a gold memeber is.
So far, from what I can see from thier performance, The elite scorpions and the advanced peregrines are about the best you can get on fed side. And yeah Im flying the Dread carrier right now but have very little chance of getting the jemi attack ship pets cuase of the rearity of teh escort i have to have to get them. Devs…
Did you guys ever consider..GETTING MORE SERVERS..Stands to reason if you have x number of players total you need x number of servers to handle the load if they all decide to play at the same time. Duhhh