I also thought it was over Monday - it seemed that the ferengi that handed them out at DS9 was no longer there after then, anyway. Any chance the date on the splash page about them got edited, or am I just crazy/assumed it was a weekend thing?
Any idea how long these are going to be around for? I'm itching to get the Risian Corvette, but I can't trade Zen for dilithium on the exchange at the moment (bought zen on stem, got put on probation for it evidently, no real dilithium reserves as a new player of a month or so) - it'd be nice to know I've got a little time…
Since I'm too new on here to start a new thread, I thought I'd mention that apparently the Phoenix prize packs are still available in the dilithium store, even though the ferengi merchants who you'd turn the vouchers in to are nowhere to be seen. What's up with that? I'm sitting on some zen that I can't trade for dilithium…