you are half right, and half wrong. someone wearing a blue uniform is a visual effect only. the color of someone's uniform cannot "do" anything to your character or disrupt your movement in any way. there are certain devices which can disrupt other characters movements without their permission. so you are half right that…
some people use certain devices to intentionally troll other players. other people use those same devices with no malicious intent what so ever. by no means should it be implied that everyone who uses "insert device here" is trying to troll people. but by no means should we pretend that the trolls dont exist either.…
it definitely worked on you, since it got you to click on it. in fact, there are certain people who post in literally every thread about party devices. you are one of them. so if party devices = "dog whistle", you are definitely one of the "dogs" that always hear it.
i dont have any "special criteria". im asking for a realistic review, not a one sided review. pretending these ships are perfect in every way doesnt help anyone. its fine to like something, but if you are just going to write a puff piece dont pretend it's a real review meant to help anyone.
unfortunately that makes your review pretty much worthless. anyone who is so blinded by fanboyism that they cannot honestly acknowledge and describe the negatives of a product cannot give useful feedback.
great! so you WOULD buy the ship for $50 if it were in the zen store and you had the money. well, i have some really good news for you! you CAN buy the ship for $50, right now! here is how: step 1: buy 5000 zen. that is going to cost you $50. you know, that same amount you said you would pay for the ship in the zen store?…
thats awsome, thanks for sharing that personal information. anyway, im going to ask you a "yes" or "no" question now. ready? if the connie was for sale in the zen store, and it was $50, would you buy it? yes, or no?
so what are the negatives of these ships? nothing is perfect, so any review that does not acknowledge the negatives in it's discussion is unrealistic and not worth much
no, thats not what i asked. i asked you HOW MUCH you would be willing to pay for each of them. im asking you for a NUMBER. since you didnt give one, would you pay $50 each(100 total) if that is what they cost in teh zen store?
hey OP, i have a question for you: if they had put these ships in the zen store instead of a lock box, how much would you be willing to pay for each of them? please answer this question, thanks.
nice try, but ive seen you begging for dev time to be spent making items like some kind of ferengi staff that makes other people bow down to it, which only a small super rich subset of the playerbase could ever use. so you cant use the "asking for dev time for small subset" argument against the OP when you have done the…
the funny thing going on here is that the people who are complaining about the OP and his thread are actually guilty of the exact same behavior as he is. you are complaining about something you see,that you don't like, that doesn't really "hurt" you in any way. whether it is party powers in game or a thread on the forum:…
The people saying this is only on TC are completely wrong. You can see system messages on live/holodeck of this guy winning ships all day long. This is not on TC, it is happening on the live server.
how it hypothetically should have been done in the first place doesnt change the current situation. adjusting/removing/changing the current gender settings would take X amount of work time. so as a business, they have to decide whether they return would be worth the X amount of time. if you think working on something that…
AFAIK the facebook "genders" are just words/titles you can select. if all the OP wants are words/titles im sure that wouldnt take long. if people want to blend male/female costume options, that would probably require actual time to make costumes work on different gender models. so it depends on which option people are…
the issue is still return on investment. if 98% of their customers wont be using something, they can hardly justify investing time into it. the "worldview" is irrelevant in this case.
yeah im not talking about height, i'm talking about length. seriously, run around ESD and look at the other player characters. almost everyone you see has a really short foot compared to the height of their character. its really weird the devs made the models this way.
if we were talking purely about social policy i would agree with you. but since we are talking about a business, then we have to consider return on investment. why do you think they arent developing KDF/ROM exclusive content? because they dont think the return would justify the investment. the same would apply to something…
i have come to the conclusion that the OP is actually an alt account of superlink1. anyone familiar with that person should be able to see the obvious similarity.
i honestly dont believe your story. but that is neither here nor there. lets pretend they put the ship in the c-store like you wanted. it would be what, $30? well, you can get it RIGHT NOW for $50. yes i know thats $20 more than you wanted to pay, but if you cant come up with an extra $20 then you shouldnt be wasting your…
are you illiterate??? you dont have to be RICH. you dont have to GAMBLE. go buy 49 master keys and sell them on the exchange for 5.5 mil each. you will have enough EC to buy the ship. what is wrong with you?
Just checked. The ship is 270 mil. Keys are selling for 5.5 mil. 270 / 5.5 = 49 So for $49 you can buy enough keys to sell to get enough EC to buy the ship. Stop your whining already.
Listen dummy. You do NOT have to gamble to get the ship. If the ship costs 300mil on the exchange, then buy keys and SELL them on the exchange to get EC. Keys are selling for around 5.7 mil. 300 / 5.7 = 52. So for $52 you can buy enough keys to sell and and get enough EC to buy the ship. Stop your whining and go by your…
Your chances are 100% if you do it the SMART way. The ship costs 300 mil. Keys sell on the exchange for 5.6 mil. 300 / 5.6 = 54 So for $54, you can buy 54 keys, sell them on the exchange, and have a 100% chance of buying the ship for an exact price. Anybody who opens boxes hoping to get a ship is crazy.