Don't remind devs about the money being made doing patrols rather than grinding farming missions from the foundry, they'll nerf it. It's like the fight club, first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club. Your info on the channels is welcome, though, thank you for that.
^^^ Same boat here. It's unfortunate that now the character copy isn't working now when it used to work just fine beforehand for me. Oh well, I was kinda looking forward to testing out the new stuff, guess that'll have to wait.
Did you sign up for it? If not, the instructions on how to do that are in this F.A.Q., as it's not something that automatically enabled even if you are a gold/lts member.
There's a reason why Germans now don't celebrate the times of the world wars, at least not as far as I've seen; same would probably be comparable to the Cardassians in this game. OP, you are a troll, but your thread gave me a chuckle just because of how ludicrous your position is. Thanks for the laugh at least. In before…
I am still crashing to desktop, I can get to space maps no problem but as soon as I beam down to a ground map it crashes within seconds of loading. I get error code 25664664.
This is unlikely to be a bug, seeing as how the one hourly mission says "Note: This mission awards no reputation experience." Or something to that effect, I can't remember what it said verbatim.
U.S.S. Renegade is my fed tac's ship name, it's an homage to an audio drama that I listen to (and proofread the script for. Starship Excelsior, for those who were wondering.) U.S.S. Oracle is my fed engy's ship name, same deal as above, homage to the audio drama. U.S.S. Descartes, my fed sci's ship name is an homage to…
I think there should be just the level 1-50 and at each step of the way you can pick a preferred reference style. I have captains' pips on each of my feds and they're still referred to as admiral. Might it not be too hard to have a setting under edit character where each player can pick their own reference style: People…
One of the worst projects ever. You guys really need to stop these dilithium sinks and at least make these $18 projects (if you're buying dil from the exchange) functional in some way; like being able to mine said motherlode afterwards.
I know they were talking about reworking the crafting system and a part of me hopes that they'll make it more affordable to do. However, this is Cryptic/PWE that we are talking about, their idea of reworking it will be to add even more need for dilithium. Hope for the best but expect the worst :P
I think that 4 fore/4 rear should be replaced with something like 2 fore/2 port/2 starboard/ 2 aft. Or at least just the added side-mounted weapons; and the ability to put cannons/dual cannons/dual heavy cannons in aft (and potential side) slots. Maybe even a more useful turret, like a dual turret (but not a dual heavy…
If you're going to tabulate war casualties (be it from against the federation or internal feuds) they would amount to tens of thousands. Same would also go for the federation; my beef with the pseudo-realism is where would get the resources to build these massive fleets, only to have them do hit-and-runs against an…
I'm getting the exact same error as well. I was booted from STO while switching maps and when I tried to log back in, I was given this same message, that there were too many tries and to try again later. Submitted a ticket about it to PW as I can't get into STO to submit a ticket that way; my worry is that it was caused by…
Well if other lifers logged in before you while the servers are full you're going to be put behind the lifer who logged in before you. It was never touted that lifers would never have to deal with a queue. Lose the entitled attitude.
You do know that europe isn't the center of the world, right? They disclose that VAT may be added to the total so they are releasing themselves from certain liabilities. Also like kimmym said, you can't enforce laws from other countries on companies in the US.
Yeah, they need to get rid of the perma-scowl for Romulans, it just looks goofy and stupid. Just for this reason I'll never ally with the Klingons, unless of course they fix it...
We've just barely got a Romulan faction and people are already bellyaching for a pseudo-borg faction? Needy people..... If you do however do this many years down the road, leave it solely as a lifetime perk because anything resembling a playable borg is reserved only for those who put the cash up front...
BoP's have all-univeral boff slots, you can set those up to be support vessels. At brigadier general, you get the Vo'quv. I wouldn't say that there aren't "free" support vessels. The Vo'quv has a lieutenant commander tactical slot, you can get plenty of damage from that.
Then they were pets; like the MVAM segments or the Odyssey's Aquarius escort. Or said player had low enough health they summoned fleet assistance or whatever that power is called.
The only reason why people bother doing the mirror event is to farm XP, that's just the nature of the beast. Don't like people leaving as soon as the Stadi shows up? Don't queue for mirror events; you can only control your own actions, not the actions of others.
There should be a contest to either redesign the Jupiter class, or to design a new proper Federation dreadnought carrier, a proper response to the Vo'quv.