I've flown several dedicated carriers before--the Rynkodan, the Fe'rang, the Jarok, the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier, a brief stint in the Gok'tad. Not a one of them forced me to choose between having decent Tac options or decent Sci. Never been much of a fan of pure Sci builds, and I don't trust pets to survive long enough.…
I'm gonna have to pass on flying this one. That BOff layout... no thanks. Only LT Tac an Ensign Sci, so I have to choose between using the LTCR Uni seat for either enough Tac or enough Sci? Nope. A crying shame, because the ship's a beaut, but she'd be no fun to fly.
That does not say that it can "only" be used that way. And I did not suggest it was meant as a "personal" insult. Considering that Cryptic is, to be blunt, not the best at communication, it was a fair statement.
You know, I perfectly understand Cryptic putting extra restrictions on this compared to a "normal" Epic Prize Token. But I am genuinely irritated they didn't say it up front. The lack of communication is frankly insulting.
The Aetherians, honestly had better turn out to be villains in the end. As it is, I find the constant Aetherian Ex Machina dissatisfying from a gameplay standpoint, very, very much out of tune with Star Trek itself, and a borderline insult to my intelligence. Not impressed with these perfect utopian super-people.
I don't think this is normal, though. Leaving aside the fact that they've never delayed First Contact Day like this before, they also haven't said a word about this Red Alert through any official--or, as far as I can tell, unofficial--channels. It just popped up in-game with no comment anywhere. I've long thought Cryptic…
And now we have a sudden Red Alert event, with zero notice. And still nothing about the First Contact Day event. Is everything okay at Cryptic right now? Because even for them, this is a baffling lack of communication.
Well, we're within the 24 hours beforehand, at least for what would normally be the start date for First Contact Day, and it's still crickets. Got a single patch note, and that's it. Cryptic is being unusually, well, cryptic this time.
Oh, yes, I would love to see Viral Impulse Burst gone. There's a fine line between "challenging" and "gratuitously frustrating", and IMO VIB falls into the latter. Nothing like being forced to zoom well away from the battle because Engineering Team happened to be on cooldown... and sometimes if it wasn't, because I get hit…
Too bad the T6 Cheyenne ain't worth it. Seriously, turning it from a heavy cruiser into a carrier? Not seeing the logic on that one. Which is a crying shame, because if the ship had stuck with cruiser, I'd have bought it. Beautiful ship. But I don't do carriers. I've tried, and they just never grab me.
And annoying. The ship is a beauty, but carriers just don't grab me. I could probably make it work, but it would require a hideously expensive investment in Advanced Science Consoles to compensate for the lack of Tac consoles. This design choice really baffles me.
I'd really like to see a more offense-focused Nebula, personally. I mean, the first one we saw on-screen was carving up Cardassian ships, not charting spacial anomalies or whatever. I'd even settle for a "science spearhead" variants; I'm running a Trailblazer as basically a cruiser with extra sci powers, and it works out…
Proton omni? That strikes me as a very odd choice, considering how few things boost proton damage. More to the point, I don't think enough proton weapons exist in the game to make a full build--unless I'm missing something, the only other shipboard proton weapons are, what, the one built into the Dyson ships and maybe a…
I found the mission a nuisance, to be honest. Ran horribly--too many particle effects, maybe?--making the ground portions in particular a chore. And I'm sorry, but once the Borg King's identity was revealed, it became utterly impossible to take the entire story arc serious. I mean, come on. Him? Really? Took all the…
Leave the station and go out to Sector Space. You'll get the prompt to start the mission from there. Despite what the mission tracker says, you can't start it from DS9 itself, you gotta be outside the system.
So, am I the only one whose first reaction was that it looks like someone applied a shrink ray to the secondary hull but left the primary alone? Because that is possibly the worst proportioned ship I've seen out of Star Trek. It looks like someone used a Big Head cheat code on it.
Another thing: Cryptic made kind of a big deal about getting a real-life scientist for Kim's science officer... and then she did basically nothing in the mission. I mean, a couple of lines of exposition that could've been anyone, I think? Just not sure what the point was. At least Kim and Kuumaarke did something in the…
Okay, that's fair enough. I have exactly that problem with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and for that matter the Star Ocean games. There comes a point where you really have to wonder why the universe hasn't been destroyed already, with so many threats capable of doing so.
As good as the likes of City on the Edge of Forever, Tapestry, etc. are, I don't see how stories of such natures could be made to work in a video game. There's just nothing of genuine "gameplay" material in there.
Technically, I believe the Kelvin Timeline Constitution is also available. Though that barely even resembles the Prime Timeline version; at least the DSC variants look like a mix of TOS and TMP.
Been having that pretty often on my Constitution III. My traits and BO skills are fine, but it unequips engines, shields, deflector, warp core, and all weapons save the two I'm still using that came with the ship. Oh, and it unequips everything from my shuttle that didn't come standard. Seeing as I've never even used the…
The Gal-X lance can be pretty devastating, if it actually hits--that accuracy penalty can be nasty, admittedly, though it doesn't seem to be as bad as it used to be.
I'd go for it. I'm currently saving up for Deimos myself to grab an Immolating Phaser Lance to put on my Constitution III. Being able to use the Phantom's version would be even better.
I could get behind that. I mean, the class debuted by stomping several dedicated warships. Yeah, warships stated to not be a match for a Galaxy-class, but still. All indications in The Wounded were that the Nebula-class was very much a capable direct combatant. Even with the later retcons, the whole mission pod angle still…
Yeah, uh, I don't know about the hoverboards, I've never used them, but the floaters? I've been doing the summer event since... 2016, I think, and never had a problem. That's across two different computers, BTW. Hate to say it, but I suspect the problem is not on Cryptic's end. I do tend to agree on the matter of Lighting…