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What is the Arc Client?
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snopel Arc User



  • Man this was great, everything given away I had not yet bought so I got everything =) Thanks for the giveaway =)
  • Odd... If I go to the pack it's listed as 16,000 Zen. If I buy zen you could get enough plus more by getting the $100 pack and the $50 pack with a total of $150 dollars. When going through paypal mine does show exactly $150 (would be more for me since i'm Canadian so I need to pay a little more). To be honest I don't know,…
  • So yes there is no error, you just forgot about the exchange rate
  • You forgot that 1 euro equals 1.33 dollars... That would explain your problem edit: 169 euros equals $225.56
  • I second this, I have multiple lobi's spread across my characters. It would be nice to be able to combine them together.
  • odd, seems slightly pointless due to their lack of games, at least with steam they have a very large store of games. Now that I think of it, it's not worse then EA's origin... I curse the day I bought battlefield 3 and had the use "origin" to download updates =(
  • what actually is arc? I have never seen it when playing, would it be due to me downloading the game back in closed beta? I had downloaded the game through the massive installer way back when.
  • Oddly enough thaloron pulse is more useful for the fact that in khitomer vortex if someone lets some probes through and they are about to reach the gate I just activate it near them to aggro them onto me. Though I do agree it's a waste still still funny because it has saved me from losing the optional many times. I also…
  • Odd, I really enjoyed Defence of New Romulus. Flying my D'deridex with just straight dual heavy cannons and turrets in the back. I will admit that your allies die very fast, at the start of the mission I saw two large warbirds (don't know what class) and by the end of the first wave one was gone (first wave was only…
  • Wait do people actually change the throttle with mouse clicks and not by hitting "W" and "S"? While annoying I just tapped R for full impulse and off I went.
  • I must say I to agree, when I destroyed Hakeev's ships I immediately thought of Khimev and a sad expression crossed my face. I highly doubt Hakeev would have taken the poor guy through the gate which most likely means he exploded... I mean like, he saves you in that mission and helps you save the federation ensign in the…
  • Ya, I may have taken the long way around to get to the bar, but it was still fun to do. Some roofs have some collision problems but it was still fun nonetheless. I just never thought the devs would have actually put something in like this.