This is patently false. They have stated that, between the legendary bundle WITH the garbage, and the legendary bundle WITHOUT the garbage, people overwhelmingly bought the one without the garbage. I stated that the opposite of buying the legendary bundle with just ships would be buying it with the garbage attached. You…
This is quite disingenuous. The opposite would be that more people bought the legendary pack with all the garbage. They stated that it wasn't true. They saw that people did not buy the legendary bundle with all of the extra nonsense, so they decided (instead of not adding the nonsense) to force the nonsense on anyone who…
They stated themselves that almost no one bought the legendary bundle with all the garbage added to it. People only bought the ships. They do, in fact, know that people do not want these things. Otherwise, everything afterwards would've been a choice, instead of pushing the price up by adding things they have stated…
Knowing that people do not want these extra things (which they do thanks to the legendary bundle) and forcing you to buy them in order to get another product anyway is, indeed, price gouging. Youre just technically including things you feel are worth the price, when youre the one setting the price, without competition. If…
Of course. They saw that, given the choice, people didn't want to pay for a bunch of garbage with the ship pack with the legendary bundle. So, they simply removed the choice. You either buy the TRIBBLE, or you get nothing. This is what happens when you go to conventions and see fans throwing money away on garbage. They…
If you look at it from a perspective of a company trying to fleece every available penny from Star Trek fans as is humanly possible (especially the suckers), it makes perfect sense. This used to be a game that happened to have a store attached. Now, it's a store that happens to have a game attached.
"How dare you speak an opinion that differs from my own? Go away!" Although I don't hate the TRIBBLE stuff, I think it's dumb, and have no desire to engage in it whatsoever. I actually think it was nice of the devs to inform us about this, as I don't have to bother with STO for a while. No, I'm not being sarcastic, I am…
The low hull thing got fixed (already, this has to be a record!), and it's a completely different animal now. Went from 76k-ish hull to 101k-ish on one of my Klingons (the only one I've checked), so there's that.
Captain skills are already level-restricted, and class-specific CD reductions already exist within the skill tree. Not sure how altering either's triggers would require scrapping the engine.
Simple fix: do away with the class-specific captain skills at endgame (or completely). Give every starting character their skills at creation, as a crutch, then do away with them once you have the full suite of BOFF seats available to you, post-50. Or else eliminate them altogether. Maybe make characters have nothing more…
The low hull seems to be a bug (it appears that it's not scaling up past 50). I kind of agree with you, but kind of don't. I tried the fleet version out on 3 Klingons- TAC, SCI, and ENG. The ENG is a weapons/light tanking basic FAW build with arrays and omnis, and I thought it was OK. Nothing spectacular, but nothing…
If you have no idea what you're doing, and are complaining about the Hurq, you'll probably put all of your beams in the back. Will it help? Slightly. Is it a great idea? Not really. It might keep you alive for an extra 10 seconds. It really only helps those that are desperate to stay alive, not actually do anything.…
A lot of new people at 60+ with the expansion. These people don't really know how to play, and are getting wrecked by the Hurq. Voila! 3/5 ship! Put moar weapons in the back! Problem solved! A free T6 ship, when there are people who dont know what theyre doing suddenly at end-game, when there's an enemy that mostly attacks…
3/5 ship looks like it's wearing some kind of space diaper grinding Risa for it To me, not worth the irritation of adding another ship I'd only use for an TRIBBLE card to all of my alts. Adding admiralty ships is starting to become a deterrent to things like this for me. Not worth the pain in the ASScard.
That's not true. What's true is the die-hard "WHAT IS FED PRIVILEGE?" players would be unhappy. You know, unless there were rewards, because those same people love the boring TRIBBLE system because it has great rewards. It's true. That's literally what people said they liked about it when it launched. So, instead of…
I always found it odd that 1. A star Trek anything has problems selling Klingon stuff to Star Trek fans, and 2. A business bemoans the fact that certain things aren't selling as well as they'd hoped, yet they refuse to incentivize purchasing them in any way, shape, or form.
After the expansion drops, I may get back into playing. I changed my BoP build to torps after the "rebalancing," just got sick of trying to make unintended things work well, and went to canon-ish builds for hahas.
K'Vort! Right after they redid the skill tree, BoPs were great in everything. Then they had the "space rebalance" shenanigans, and it was like they got neutered again.
The stories, when they're not trampling on faction diversity, are the big thing to me. Bringing back Martok was interesting. I'm hopeful for the DS9 content. I like having stuff to do that doesn't make me feel like a hamster on a wheel. Making episodes repeatable (like being able to skip cutscenes, or a speech you've heard…
Two questions about this: 1. Is Cryptic "BestDev" Spartan the one allocating the skill points? Because that would probably be the wise way to go. 2. Do the Jem'Hadar even have science vessels for a science profession? I didn't see any obvious ones announced.